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  1. f) Undertake stakeholder consultation. For about the 50th time! For fucks sake, just get on with it !

  2. NZTA dumped all the long tunnel stuff in a proactive release in Dec last year Its a 28 MB Zip,…

  3. “Next steps and timeline • The first step is to complete the investment case for NZTA Board consideration. This will…

  4. And from the OIA response that greenwelly notes above: “Public transport – included bus priority measures • Grade separation of…

  5. Some fascinating info coming to light – from Business Desk last year: “Building a long tunnel under Wellington could have…

  6. The Count Bishops were a 70s UK band, complete with silly names. Wonder which one’s Chris’s great-uncle?

  7. The OIA is on NZTA’s Webste Its in the January 2025 section, titled “Information on modelling for the time…

  8. And now he proposes to annex Gaza and turn it into a real estate feast. Similarities with Hitler annexing…

  9. Oliver Wainwright, the Observer’s architecture critic, has written an excellent review: “Backlash builds: why the architecture world hates The Brutalist“…


  11. The reverse also probably applies – Hundertwasser is probably the number one reason why Austrians and Wieners come to visit…

  12. In the initial stages there seemed to be lots of trips by council staff to Vienna, – just saying

  13. Oh god, I remember her – and I remember when we thought that America could not get worse than Sarah…

  14. Latest minor misdemeanour from Rump – he has completely stolen the Davies family crest, and now calls it the Trump…

  15. The project started with a sketch by Hundertwasser to adapt a local government building in the Town Basin, but after…