
7 Articles
2 Min Read

Wellington has long been nicknamed the “mini-Manhattan” for its shimmering high-rises sitting on the edge of the harbour. Recent changes to the District Plan will change that, as with the declaration that the Johnsonville train line is actually Rapid Transit, developers will take advantage of the new height limits, much raised from what they were previously, and Wellington’s suburban skyline is due to change, drastically. Over…

5 Min Read

So, a decision has been made by the Councillors of the WCC – let’s hope it was the right call. I’m not jumping for joy, I’m not down in the dumps, I’m just evaluating the decision. Hmmm. Pondering. I actually watched a whole lot of the debate on the You Tube channel, live, which is a tedious thing, but vaguely instructive. They need to sort their…

1 Min Read

Johnsonville Neglected by Council. “Wellington City Council has failed and neglected Johnsonville for a long time – that’s obvious. Projects proposed to be started, finished and funded have not been. Last night Council (by a majority of one) made that worse in an election panic ad hoc move by two councillors which sees no real commitment to comprehensive integrated urban design or to expenditure or programming…

3 Min Read

There’s some big news from the Council this week, as they debate whether or not to adopt District Plan Change 72 and 73. Councillors will vote on this on Wednesday, in what is probably going to be a massive meeting. More on DPC 72 and 73 later – but first: Johnsonville. Scoop Wellington (aka Lindsay Shelton) has been hosting a discussion about Johnsonville which seems to…

1 Min Read

So: the verdict is back, and the commissioners of the Council have agreed to the building of a new Mall in Johnsonville. And they’re also now formally seeking your feedback on the deletion of the Mall in Manners St. Apart from the name, there are very few similarities between them. I confess that I’m a wee bit surprised at the go-ahead for the J’ville Mall, given…

5 Min Read

Thanks to the very friendly and amenable Wellington City Council External Media Advisor, Richard Maclean, we’ve been able to bring you some further info about the proposed new expansion to Johnsonville Mall. Now that’s what I call a helpful public service. So, to recap since our last message on Johnsonville, although the Council is still deciding whether it will publicly notify the scheme or not, the…

3 Min Read

In a move to the suburbs, an area not normally frequented by the Eye of the Fish, a Mall is on the menu. Johnsonville Mall, to be precise. And there’s a big fuss brewing. Not about the concept of a mall – after all, there’s one there already. But this one is due to be different, to be bigger. Much bigger. Unusually however, we can’t show…