
13 Articles
4 Min Read

Horrifying and tragic – the Turkish / Syrian earthquakes have been a steadily growing, unfolding disaster for the last week. Totals of 200 dead initially were obviously a sad underestimate – growing daily, or hourly, it has gone to 500, then 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, and today they’re talking 11,000 – and there will no doubt be more. My heart goes out to them – the…

1 Min Read

The news was only out yesterday, and briefly mentioned on the news, but I have a horrible feeling that this is going to have a massive effect on New Zealand, and on Wellington in particular. Have a look at this screen grab from the Stuff website: That’s a massive change all over – but especially for the capital. Previously we were the most risky place, with…

1 Min Read

Once again, Wellington has a lucky escape and shows its resilience, by shrugging off what could have been a serious earthquake. As it is, the damage suffered is very light in Wellington, although more serious in Seddon. This photo typifies the damage apparent on at least one brick-clad Seddon house. Yes, an earthquake is an Act of God, but actually: what really is wrong with this…

2 Min Read

Whilst I am fully aware that was a nasty series of shakes on Sunday evening, and indeed over the last few days, I’m very disappointed in the over-reaction of the media to this seismic event. RadioNZ reported that a building in Featherston St had a collapsed concrete facade – I don’t know about you, but I thought “Crikey! If a concrete facade can collapse, then what…

4 Min Read

This is a public service announcement from the Eye of the Fish: As the Expert Panel reported back yesterday with recommendations as to what NZ needs to do in regards to the earthquake strengthening of our buildings, and seeing as you all / we all in the urban design / architectural / engineering / construction field are going to be intimately affected by this over the…

4 Min Read

Words of the Specials echoing in my head, it’s time to ask the difficult question that no one else seems to be broaching: Is it time to admit that Christchurch’s time is up, and that the whole city should be abandoned? While they might not like us even raising the subject, should we not at least debate the question? With apologies to our ChCh readers, let’s…

5 Min Read

Christchurch – there’s just so many things I want to write about down there, and sadly, not really that much going on up here. The Government announced yesterday that three suppliers of temporary portable housing have been named: “Three kiwi-based companies were selected to provide the temporary accommodation. A consortium of Hawkins/Spanbild/Fulton Hogan; Jennian Homes; and New Zealand Transportable Units were the chosen providers out of…

3 Min Read

The bad news just never stops, does it, while you’re connected to the global media. The world grows ever smaller: I got texted from the UK for me to watch out for tsunami, before I had heard from NZ media. It was truly chilling to watch the footage from Japan, with that slow moving wave destroy all before it: an evil black slug, devouring all the…

2 Min Read

I’m beginning to think that the worst problem Wellington is going to face, come “the Big One”, is the sewerage system. We can learn a lot from the events in Christchurch, and I sure hope that WCC are taking notes and formulating actions. Personally, I’m not so worried if the roads north get cut off with slips – I wouldn’t want to go and live in…

1 Min Read

We’re heartened to hear that the Christchurch Mayor, Bob Parker, has announced that he is sure that Christchurch Cathedral will rise again, and be rebuilt stone by stone. So much of the other heritage around is being lost – and which after the September earthquake, the Christchurch City Council had not been able or willing to save. We can only presume that Mayor Bob means the…