
15 Articles
5 Min Read

I must confess that yesterday I laughed considerably and quite loudly, at the report that Simpleton Brown received, informing him that spending a billion or two drilling two new tunnels under / through Wellington was actually going to make the traffic slower, not faster. Well, duh! I’ve been saying for quite some time that putting in a new Terrace Tunnel in, to speed up the amount…

2 Min Read

It really is quite extraordinary how narrow-minded Government departments can be. And how an answer can be staring someone in the face. The Prime Minster is quoted today as saying: “We need to find a solution. My understanding was historically was the flyover was deemed to be by far the best solution at the most affordable price,” “Options of tunnelling, for instance, weren’t as realistic as…

1 Min Read

It may be just another case of the Dom Post getting its pics wrong, or it may be an embarrassing case of someone saying too much too soon, but the picture in Stuff today accompanying the story about NZTA’s plan to contest the Flyover decision, shows a bombshell. In the image, reproduced larger here for you, it is quite clear that two flyovers are planned, floating…

7 Min Read

“It’s a tragedy that the actions of a tiny minority of people have succeeded in holding back Wellington for years to come. Their opposition to the Basin Reserve bridge project will cost countless jobs and has other significant ramifications. Wellington could miss out on around $465million of investment.” So says the current head of the Wellington Employers Chamber of Commerce, according to Scoop. John Milford, who…

1 Min Read

Well, my abilities at prediction are evidently way off the mark – as noted in the previous post, the Board of Inquiry have returned their verdict, and the result is an (almost) resounding defeat for the proponents of the Flyover – the Resource Consent is declined. I’m delighted to have been shown to be so stupidly wrong in that the Board would rubber-stamp the Flyover application…

3 Min Read

The official Board of Inquiry report is due out on the 22nd July, but I wouldnt hold your breath if you think there is going to be anything radically different coming out of it. So, rather than waiting another day to have my suspicions confirmed, I’m going public today with an Eye of the Fish prediction: the Flyover will be approved tomorrow. I’d be more than…

4 Min Read

As the Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry has been debating the merits and issues about Heritage, and in particular the heritage aspects of the Crèche of Compassion, over the last week, it seems an appropriate time to discuss the crèche. It is, of course, about to embark on a journey, or two, or in fact three! Firstly, it is going to be jacked up, then moved…

4 Min Read

There is one year to go before ANZAC Day 2015, and therefore only one year for the War Memorial Park to be up and running. That means, of course, that the War Memorial Underpass needs to be in place well before then, which is a pretty steep ask, but at this stage it looks as though it will be finished in plenty of time. The almost…

2 Min Read

The smallest car I’ve ever seen, since my Matchbox days at least, lead to this little micro-mini number appearing in Wellington the other day. You can read all about it here. Question is, is the Tango just too small to – well, tango? It’s a two seater, i think, with one passenger behind the other, so its pretty much just an electric motorbike with a plastic…

3 Min Read

One of the curious things about the modern architectural world is the art of the computer renderer. A friend of mine once worked on a project where the computer renders of the building were surrounded by a carpark which contained only Lamborginis. This, despite the building being designed for lowly polytechnic students in a poor part of town, and highly unlikely to ever sight a single…