
28 Articles
1 Min Read

I honestly did think this was a belated April Fools prank, yes indeed. I mean, a long tunnel, under Wellington, going from the Terrace tunnel right through to Wellington Road – and saving more than 60 seconds, but quite probably not the 10-15 minutes they are talking about. Let’s face it, the boy is still wet behind the ears and hasn’t really got a single clue…

3 Min Read

Transport Minister Michael Wood blindsided Wellington this morning, with an announcement – and a definite decision – that Wellington is going to get Light Rail to Island Bay, a resolution to the Basin Reserve, and a new tunnel in a big diagonal from the Basin to the far end of Haitaitai, right under Mt Victoria. I’m overjoyed and excited, not just for the solution but also…

3 Min Read

After many long years, LGWM have finally offered us 4 shiny new options for us Wellingtonians to savour and think about, bedecked in shiny new colours to match the LGWM logo. Its almost like they have been planning this event for years… So…. What this means is…. Option 1 – below – This version has a couple of key features – a big new diagonal Bus…

6 Min Read

In the great tradition of the founders of this site, who tried to help and cajole the LGWM team into coming up with a plan for Wellington – to really get it moving – I thought that seeing as the semi-final FOUR possible solutions are presented to Wellington (starting next week on Monday 1st November), that I’d put my best flipper forward and see what the…

1 Min Read

“School gates chaos in Wellington forces council to develop plan to get kids out of cars” says the Dom Post today (sorry – says te Upoko o te Ika today). Well, you know what the answers to that are, don’t you? We’ve been through this a hundred times before. Step One, implement BBREO, the solution developed by Richard Reid Associates. Just do it! He had it…

5 Min Read

The prospect of a new Embassy for the People’s Republic of China has been a long time coming – and now, at last, it is here. Well, nearly. The site has been empty for years – so long, in fact, that I really can’t remember what was there before, except for the Swimming Pool of the Girls and Boys Institute ? Off in the far south…

1 Min Read

Well, my abilities at prediction are evidently way off the mark – as noted in the previous post, the Board of Inquiry have returned their verdict, and the result is an (almost) resounding defeat for the proponents of the Flyover – the Resource Consent is declined. I’m delighted to have been shown to be so stupidly wrong in that the Board would rubber-stamp the Flyover application…

9 Min Read

So the Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry has finally reached the end of the hearing, after 71 days of mind-numbingly tedious detail. The judges on the panel deserve every cent they earn, for having to sit through and listen to the veritable mountain of documentation from NZTA and the various experts for or against it. There is not much doubt about what the eventual outcome will…

1 Min Read

Blink and you miss it. Never has there been a more apt saying, than with the moving of the Crèche of Compassion. It can’t really be said to be a surprise, but the Crèche was moved backwards on Monday, quietly and without any real fanfare. Which is surprising, as the NZTA are normally keen on a bit of good PR. I’m most annoyed, because I actually…

8 Min Read

Traffic Improvements. There – I’ll say it again, in case you missed it. “Traffic Improvements.” Just exactly do you take that to mean? I ask because, of course, different people mean different things when they say “Improvements.” It’s interesting to me – because my vision of traffic improvements is evidently not quite the same as the traffic improvements planned by NZTA. Maybe that’s predictable, or maybe…