2 Min Read

Gosh – that was a surprise! Our venerated local broadsheet, el Domino Postale, appears to have gone and written an excellent, thoughtful article on what we need to do with Cuba St. Have they got a new reporter perhaps, one who is actually interested in matters more important than cute doggies or cats stuck up trees? There is hope, at least – keep an eye out…

2 Min Read

On a day like today, when Gaddafi has been captured, and killed, bringing to a gruesome end to 40 odd years of African bedlam, it seems almost comical to watch the westerners efforts at starting a revolution. From the initial somewhat focussed start in Wall Street over in the centre of the arch-capitalist capital, New York, where at least there was some logic in saying “Occupy…

1 Min Read

Rest in Peace Steve Jobs. Sad news today, but not unexpected. One of the more focused minds of the business world just ended today, with the death of the man who has changed the way we interact with the world. Steve has been suffering from pancreatic cancer for a number of years now, and his frail body could no longer go on – as he said…

6 Min Read

Following on from the usual tired old grumpy pro-road editorial in the Dom Post, which came to the conclusion that pursuing Option X would be a waste of time, perhaps it is time for a less jaded eye to look at the arguments for, and against. First up, and to some, most importantly, i guess that we have to address the question of cost. The DomPost…