3 Min Read

Watching in amazement at the North Koreans with their state sanctioned out-pouring of grief, more artificial but no less weird than the Brits did when Lady Diana died, it seems an appropriate point on which to bid farewell to this quite frankly disaster-filled year, to wish you all a Happy holiday break, and to get my togs on and go fishing myself. The proper time for…

4 Min Read

So, after 369 posts, 5034 comments, and more or less avoiding some 14,963 spam, we’re running a bit low on keen and willing writers here at the Eye of the Fish. Let’s face it, as a form of journalism / interaction with the public, blogging seems unfortunately to have had it’s day – it has become the MySpace of the digital world, as opposed to leaping…

3 Min Read

I can’t recall the last time I sat and cried all the way through a movie – maybe it was a love story or maybe it was a tragedy – but this time it was a documentary. What an extraordinary film. Go. See. It. Now. Filmed by Christchurch resident Gerard Smyth, When a City Falls is a quite remarkable documentary, of fascinating interest to engineers, architects,…