4 Min Read

When is a MDRS not a MDRS? When Christopher Luxon agrees to it, and then disagrees to it, it seems. What am I talking about, I hear you say? Well, the MDRS (medium density residential standards), universally agreed to last year by both Labour AND National (AND the Greens and ACT too I think?) – that one, that only just came into being a short while…

2 Min Read

Budget has just been announced, and I’ve still to go through it, but a couple of things sprung out to me. Public Housing – $3 billion “Robertson said the Government would build 3000 new state homes by June 2025. The new public houses were expected to cost $3.1 billion in capital investment, on top of $465 million operational costs.” By my basic arithmetic, that means the…

9 Min Read

It is a pretty sad day to be writing – and we all know what about. Just over 36 hours ago, a building in Newtown caught fire and burnt out, killing at least 6 people, with 11 other people still not accounted for – so possibly up to 17 people dead. It is so sad because these lives were lost needlessly, tragically, and without any justification…