6 Min Read

A group fighting to keep the Gordon Wilson Flats from being demolished, despite the building having sat empty for years, has come up with a bold new plan – one that includes a cable car. The Architectural Centre – a group which successfully appealed to the Environment Court to keep the building on the heritage list in 2017 – shared its vision for the site, including…

1 Min Read

I honestly did think this was a belated April Fools prank, yes indeed. I mean, a long tunnel, under Wellington, going from the Terrace tunnel right through to Wellington Road – and saving more than 60 seconds, but quite probably not the 10-15 minutes they are talking about. Let’s face it, the boy is still wet behind the ears and hasn’t really got a single clue…

2 Min Read

I’d love to have a real life conversation with Luxo right now – to see if he is regretting his decision to get into bed with his fellow Cerberus heads. New Zealand is now absolutely a shit-show, and if we really wanted a Government to destroy everything, then this is the right one. Funny though, I don’t recall the Dalek phrase being employed at all during…

2 Min Read

Wellington has long been nicknamed the “mini-Manhattan” for its shimmering high-rises sitting on the edge of the harbour. Recent changes to the District Plan will change that, as with the declaration that the Johnsonville train line is actually Rapid Transit, developers will take advantage of the new height limits, much raised from what they were previously, and Wellington’s suburban skyline is due to change, drastically. Over…