Well that’s really not good news at all. Matrix Homes has folded, when it was just meant to be paused for a bit. News last week was that the company was being put into receivership, over a dispute with Camperdown Studios. That’s a company associated with Peter Jackson – “Camperdown Studios uses half of Matrix Homes’ 8000-square-metre warehouse to store props from Weta films including the…
You’d better hurry if you want to see the film “Skyscraper” as I’m not sure if it will last long on the big screen – I went to see it last night at the Embassy – the Grand’s capacity is about 800 or so – and I was one of about a dozen people who did. I’m not sure how public opinion can make or break…
The Eye of the Fish has got it’s interest piqued, by an advertising campaign on in Wellington at present. For the last few weeks, there have been a series of eyeballs rolling around on Phantom Billstickers billboards, with no clues or explanations what they refer to. A series of eyes, sometimes two eyes, sometimes a string of four, staring in different directions. Someone obviously wants us…
One week to go – one week till the entire Wellington Bus system is completely revamped. I’ve been following what has been happening in Auckland with their AT bus revamp, and it must be a national thing, as Dunedin is also planning a similar revamp – and of course Wellington is rolling it out too. It seeeeeems to be working in Auckland, but then their system…
So the details are finally out. The way out of the Housing Crisis is to build our way out of the crisis. This is a Big F….ng Deal – the whole world will be watching. After years and years of the world – and especially New Zild – following the free market doctrine of “The Market Knows Best”, this Labour government is going to build and…