Well, I was about to post something up on the tall tower proposal for the corner of Manners St, when this little number popped its head above the parapet, and it got me thinking. It is the latest proposal for Wellington – and no point debating it, because it has already been granted Resource Consent, without having to ask the public, despite being over 30% higher…
It seems almost inevitable that if this Wellywood sign goes ahead (all perfectly legal, the bloke from the Council tells me), then it is going to get some “special treatment” metered out in due course. And because we are such a creative lot in Wellington, and because the interwebs is here, let’s see how good your photoshop skills are. At top is a nice clear blank…
Not really what else we should say, other than : we’re still here. Greeting the non-happening of an earth-shattering event with the words of a song about about a talking train seems somewhat glib, but then again, what is the appropriate amount of non-glibness to exhibit? It’s interesting to note that we had a spike in traffic – and even a couple of comments – from…
….but I feel fine! With obvious references to everyone’s favourite Athens modern pop combo, we here at the Eye of the Fish world headquarters acknowledge that the end of the world is due to happen this Saturday, and so therefore this could quite easily be the Last Post, ever. Of course, some of our readers may be ascended into the heavens after that, while the rest…
We don’t really have an equivalent of Gavin Stamp in New Zealand, at least not as far as architecture goes. Gavin Stamp is a chap from Scotland / England / Britain that writes, and thinks, very well about architecture: we could do well with someone like him here. He came to my attention first when we were both in the UK, where he was a key…
A short and sweet post this morning with an up-beat theme – praising the Dutch postal system. I love the way the Netherlands have got such a strong record of public art and supporting design – especially with the bold graphic design the Dutch are known for. And here, in a way that only the Dutch really do, is the latest set of stamps from Holland…
Words of the Specials echoing in my head, it’s time to ask the difficult question that no one else seems to be broaching: Is it time to admit that Christchurch’s time is up, and that the whole city should be abandoned? While they might not like us even raising the subject, should we not at least debate the question? With apologies to our ChCh readers, let’s…