Courtesy of one of regular readers, some photos of the Hearst Tower in New York. The building was started way back in the mists of time, say 1920-30, and so has a somewhat grand podium, with tall sculptured figures guarding the entry – but the tower was never constructed – I suspect the Wall St crash may have been a reason for incompleteness. Fast forward another…
Had enough of talk about bus lanes for the present? Thinking of summer holidays and Christmas presents? In a slight change of tone for this blog, I thought you might be interested to see what sort of house people might build where money truly is no object. Yes, I know that some architects always behave as if money is no object, but in most cases there…
I’m getting bored with the stories of people getting bowled over in the buslanes already, and I bet the Council wishes they would go away too – but the severity of the accidents that have occurred so far means that we haven’t the end of this – not by a long way. With Tramways Union spokesperson suggesting that the bus drivers might ‘blacklist’ the site and…
Viva La Revolution ! Well, I had to get your attention somehow. We’re not like the French, where they set things on fire, or like the British, who quietly get quite jolly well annoyed and noisily get kettled, or like other unnamed countries where they stamp on your effigy with their shoes – or set fire to your flag. Shocking. Goodness me, an unprotected rectangle of…
In honour of the upcoming opening of the Manners Mall buslane, which has taken away a (to some) treasured pedestrian walkway, and replaced it with a (hopefully, much faster) route for Wellington’s buses, we present to you some buses. One of our regular readers and sometime correspondent Seamonkey Madness (the greatest of all non-de-plumes, surely?), sent us these pics a while back, and I’ve been storing…
So, Auckland awoke to the news that a “historic building” had been knocked down last night, in possibly the dodgiest piece of developer dealings seen since the 1980s (outside of Christchurch of course). The 124 year old Palace building “had to” be knocked down due to a structural instability it had developed “overnight” as it was being turned into a “brothel”. As usual with the Chow…
As both the Fish and the DomPost has noted, there seems to be a sudden flowering of late in the startup of apartments. We noted that a short while ago, and have been reporting on the start of Te Aro Towers and the Tattoo apartments. These, as you know, are both Archaus jobs – it seems that the market is starting at the “cheap” end of…
Well here’s to positive attitude – no matter if it is somewhat misguided. Tattoo Studios, the dinky, tiny little boxes going up in Wigan / Abel Smith St, are proceeding at an alarmingly fast pace. One week there was nothing, the next… well, there’s a whole load of concrete planks standing in the air there. Blink again and there’ll be some apartments before too long! It’s…
Its that time of the year again, when the sun comes out just as people have things to tempt us indoors. Coming to cajole us this week are a plethora of End of Year Graduation Exhibitions, dotted around our fine town. No pictures yet – maybe later – but as a starter for 10, there’s a Weltec final exhibition hidden away in the basement of 39…
Our previous post was all about the glorious polystyrene and digital fabrications of Weta Workshop and the mind of Sir Peter Jackson. Yes, we do love a good hobbit adventure, and yes, I’m thinking that in some ways the architecture in the three LOTR films far surpasses nearly everything our city has built IRL. But, there comes a time when one has to wake up In…