
25 Articles

New fish on the block.

1 Min Read

The Architectural Centre was founded in Wellington in 1946 and set off at a cracking pace – starting architecture and town planning schools, mounting the era-defining project Te Aro Replanned and launching its journal Design Review within its first two or three years. It was the foundation stone of Wellington modernism. Over the years it has been a forum for the likes of Plishke, Cranko, Sutch, Gatley, Athfield, Walker,…

2 Min Read

A few initial thoughts on National’s transport plans for Wellington, from a fresh new author on The Eye of the Fish – Captain Haddock. Captain Haddock writes: “This morning National have released their transport policy. With regards to Wellington there are 3 or 4 notable points Cancelling Bus improvements In this morning’s Post, Chris Bishop is saying “the focus should be [on] better buses for Wellington”. Yet,…

2 Min Read

Today’s post is a special one, contributed by regular reader Starkive By 1972 New Zealanders were questioning the environmental impact of humans and their engineering. A plan to further raise Lake Manapouri – already flooded for Comalco power – triggered a national reaction. The proposed extra dams were damned by hundreds of thousands of petitioners. An advertising jingle for fibreglass batts went to Number 1 on…

4 Min Read

The following is a Guest post from Dominic Kelly, the Director of Hashigo Zake: For a year and a half, the conversion of the Manthel building on the Taranaki/Wakefield St corner into Xero’s headquarters caused substantial damage to my business, Hashigo Zake, and to that of our fellow tenant, Zibibbo restaurant. During the period of the work, both businesses suffered a significant downturn in trade, which…

7 Min Read

I’ve just returned to Wellington for a brief break from the bleak north. When I’ve been away for a while it’s always fun to wander around and see what’s changed, catch up on the news, and read all the fish posts I’ve missed (nice to see new contributors). I think the best news (possibly the best Wellington has had in decades) was finding out that mouldy…

2 Min Read

I must confess that I don’t really understand what is the plan around the new road up Transmission Gully, but having been reading about the new proposed route up Takapu Valley, it got my interest up. I’d never even heard of it before – seems like I am not alone there – I’ve not yet met anyone else who has been up there. So, last weekend…

5 Min Read

Happy New Year everyone!  I realise it’s mid February so the New Year is far passed in reality, but in mind, it seems like it was only a couple of days ago. Over the past few months I’ve come across some links that related to urban design that I thought people might enjoy and I’ve filed them away with the intent that over the Christmas break…

1 Min Read

  Hi, Sav here subbing in for Maximus  briefly..  Over the holidays I ventured to the Denniston Plateau. I’m interested in conservation as well as other things, and I wanted to see for myself how special a place it is or isn’t, before pieces of it start getting carved up for the coal lying beneath. For a start its only 20km north of Westport, so pretty…

1 Min Read

Going for a walk this morning, making the most of the absolutely Wellington GORGEOUS weather, I came across a row of new containers parked along the waterfront walkway down near the lagoon. Apparently, they will be pop-up shops, over the summer, as a sort-of continuation of the Underground Market that exists under Frank Kitts Park. They’re very neat and tidy grey containers, and although I’m a…

2 Min Read

Hi there. My name is Gloria, and I thought that I would answer the call for writers. I’m going to try and post on the Eye of the Fish for a while, while the other writers are on holiday. Lucky for some. I thought that I might just start off gently, with a post on dream beach-side houses, as that is what I would really rather…