
1,103 Articles
3 Min Read

The bad news just never stops, does it, while you’re connected to the global media. The world grows ever smaller: I got texted from the UK for me to watch out for tsunami, before I had heard from NZ media. It was truly chilling to watch the footage from Japan, with that slow moving wave destroy all before it: an evil black slug, devouring all the…

3 Min Read

I’ve been a fool. I’ve been a fool and completely missed the signs. For the last few weeks or months I have been amazed by all the adverts on TV for companies selling mass produced housing. Can you name them all? Stonewood Homes. Versatile Buildings. Fowler Homes. Jennian Homes. A1 Homes. Cavalier Homes. Signature Homes. Golden Homes. Platinum Homes. Sunshine Homes. David Reid Homes. Coloursteel roofs…

3 Min Read

In case you didn’t know enough about it already, we present to you some liquifaction liquefaction for your ingustation degustation, ingestion and digestion. Oh yes, we’re all experts now, but would you have bought a house in the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch if you had seen this map before the earthquake? And if you’re interested in finding out about Wellington’s proclivity to this and other potential…

2 Min Read

I saw the headline and I was packed and ready, to answer the call of the nation. Normally they just send up the Fish signal, much like the Bat symbol, but this is the first time my moniker has made it to the front page of the DomPost. Had my site boots, hi-vi and my hard hard ready for action too, until I saw that they…

2 Min Read

I’m beginning to think that the worst problem Wellington is going to face, come “the Big One”, is the sewerage system. We can learn a lot from the events in Christchurch, and I sure hope that WCC are taking notes and formulating actions. Personally, I’m not so worried if the roads north get cut off with slips – I wouldn’t want to go and live in…

1 Min Read

That’s about it really. There is a road proposal, with a cost to benefit ratio that flies out the window, for a road that goes up an earthquake fault line, is steeper for longer than Ngauranga Gorge, and is going to cost over a billion $$, which neither central nor local government has the money to finance. On a list of projects that need to be…

1 Min Read

We’re heartened to hear that the Christchurch Mayor, Bob Parker, has announced that he is sure that Christchurch Cathedral will rise again, and be rebuilt stone by stone. So much of the other heritage around is being lost – and which after the September earthquake, the Christchurch City Council had not been able or willing to save. We can only presume that Mayor Bob means the…

2 Min Read

As is most of the country, the Fish bloggers are stunned at the gravity of the situation down south – and we’re from the city that was expecting the next big one to happen to us. We noted back in September that we had escaped narrowly from death and disaster – not so lucky this time. Our wise, wizened and warily experienced commenter, the hard as…

2 Min Read

I’m reasonably impressed by the actions taken this week by the NZRAB (NZ Registered Architects Board). If you watched TV One news last night, you will have seen Paul Jackman, head of the NZRAB, get his hooks well and truly slung into the unruly rabble that are the Real Estate agents of NZ. The story is a variation on the usual situation of unqualified numpties passing…

4 Min Read

Just for you, because it is a special day…. Of course, the truth is never quite as sugary as the intoxicatingly sweet dish served up by our modern media moguls. While we’re invidiously indoctrinated to think of Valentines Day as a sweet and dreamy lovey-dovey Hallmark moment of sycophantic night-time murmurings, best trotted out (a minimum of) once a year, in truth VALENTINE “was a holy…