
1,098 Articles
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That’s about it really. There is a road proposal, with a cost to benefit ratio that flies out the window, for a road that goes up an earthquake fault line, is steeper for longer than Ngauranga Gorge, and is going to cost over a billion $$, which neither central nor local government has the money to finance. On a list of projects that need to be…

1 Min Read

We’re heartened to hear that the Christchurch Mayor, Bob Parker, has announced that he is sure that Christchurch Cathedral will rise again, and be rebuilt stone by stone. So much of the other heritage around is being lost – and which after the September earthquake, the Christchurch City Council had not been able or willing to save. We can only presume that Mayor Bob means the…

2 Min Read

As is most of the country, the Fish bloggers are stunned at the gravity of the situation down south – and we’re from the city that was expecting the next big one to happen to us. We noted back in September that we had escaped narrowly from death and disaster – not so lucky this time. Our wise, wizened and warily experienced commenter, the hard as…

2 Min Read

I’m reasonably impressed by the actions taken this week by the NZRAB (NZ Registered Architects Board). If you watched TV One news last night, you will have seen Paul Jackman, head of the NZRAB, get his hooks well and truly slung into the unruly rabble that are the Real Estate agents of NZ. The story is a variation on the usual situation of unqualified numpties passing…

4 Min Read

Just for you, because it is a special day…. Of course, the truth is never quite as sugary as the intoxicatingly sweet dish served up by our modern media moguls. While we’re invidiously indoctrinated to think of Valentines Day as a sweet and dreamy lovey-dovey Hallmark moment of sycophantic night-time murmurings, best trotted out (a minimum of) once a year, in truth VALENTINE “was a holy…

4 Min Read

Slight change from Wellington – how about we look at the Hutt for a change? And yes, the Hutt is due for a change. Tenders are open for Lower Hutt’s new Square, which starts to make sense of the jumbled mess of parking that is currently outside the New Dowse. Design of “The Square” is of course by Athfield Architects, who did such a great job…

4 Min Read

We were going to call this post “Cairo Knife Fight” but there is a band going by that name already – prescient marketing, I would have thought, given the current political turmoil. Instead, the current title refers to the immense ripping off that Mubarek has done to the people of Egypt. News yesterday reports that he and his family have amassed a fortune of $40 billion…

6 Min Read

Whither to, waiwhetu… While we’re waiting with willing Waitangi welcome, windy Wellington’s waka wends wetly with Waiwhetu, where wrangles wearily wear worrisomely. What will we watch? Worry while we work! Yes indeed, the much awaited day dawns, and the whare waka will be named at a dawn ceremony on Waitangi day – this coming Sunday. The building has had financial input from the Tenths Trust (local…

1 Min Read

Inspired by his suggestion from this post:  Stop the Flyover Schiphol is built on a drained bit of land that used to be be the Harlemmermeer. So in the same spirit, I propose the following: 1. Build a dam from Seatoun to the east side of the harbour. 2. Install pumps powered by windmills and pump all the water out. Note that the windmills should be…

6 Min Read

I finally posted my first blog entry here just a short while ago, but it’s been a long time in the making.  Maximus had been pushing me to write for sometime, and I’d have some ideas, but I kept asking myself “what intelligent, compelling insight am I going to bring to the reader?” Then I recalled something told to all writers – stick to what you…