Really. I’m staggered at how bad this government is. Take this pitiful offering for example. How did she ever get to be elected? Or the amount of legislation that is passed under urgency – a quite staggering amount, deliberately chosen to stifle debate and circumvent the processes specifically set up to avoid bad law. Seventeen separate Acts where the vitally crucial Select Committee stage has been…
Christchurch – there’s just so many things I want to write about down there, and sadly, not really that much going on up here. The Government announced yesterday that three suppliers of temporary portable housing have been named: “Three kiwi-based companies were selected to provide the temporary accommodation. A consortium of Hawkins/Spanbild/Fulton Hogan; Jennian Homes; and New Zealand Transportable Units were the chosen providers out of…
I’ve not got much time to note anything much about this building at present – am still wading my way through the comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Effects – but so I thought I would post it up here in the mean time in case any of you lot have any comments you wish to make. It is, as noted in the DomPost the other day, proposed…
Moving into winter on this cold, wet Monday evening, with the date of 1st April now behind us, and Phil Goff on the radio loudly proclaiming that he is not an April Fool, I thought it would be nice to celebrate the intellectuals amongst us, by having a look at the musings of those that muse upon the city. Sometimes we muse, sometimes we amuse, but…
In a shock move this morning, Canterbury architects have confirmed the rumours that the NZIA Architectural Ambassador, Sir Ian Athfield, has abruptly resigned. “Christchurch,†Athfield is reported to have said, “is a one-way street that I’m just not willing to go down.†70 year-old “Ath†is renowned as an outspoken critic for many things, who also likes skiing – but not enough to stay in Christchurch….
It’s not unusual for mayoral cycling fanatic Celia Wade-Brown to advocate for cycle lanes. While her recent support for road building has caused some among us to query her how green her credentials are – one thing for certain is that if there’s a road to be built there’ll be cycle lanes attached to it. It’s this dogged attachment to said cycle lanes that the Fish…
Just what is happening with the roads and tunnels in Wellington? Does ANYONE know? As we referred to in our previous post, there’s a whole lot of roading issues going on – not just down in Christchurch, but up here in Wellington as well. We’re all aware of the swathe of land that one day is meant to be a Memorial Park, with State Highway 1…
So: Athfield is taking the issue to the bridge – or, rather, the Ring Road. Issuing a statement like “Either the One Way system goes, or I go” is surely inviting brinksmanship in a battle of nerves down in Christchurch. We’re still not sure if who or what the rumoured super ChCh anti-EQ Authority is yet, but the NZIA’s much-vaunted Architectural Ambassador looks to be laying…
About this chap Ring. Bit of a fuss going on at present. Last couple of nights: very very full moon. Largest it has been since 1918 or some such? Something to do with the closest orbit to Earth that it has been on for quite some time – a super moon, or a perigee moon appearing concurrent with a full moon – and gorgeous it was…
High upon a hill, overlooking a glassy harbour, sits an architectural marvel in the making. Captured here only a week or so ago, before the calamitous events of quaking ground befell us on both sides of the globe, someone, somehow, is creating a slice of heaven. Well, perhaps not so much heaven, as a leg of lamb, or a carefully glowing white ovoid shape, with promise…