
1,103 Articles
1 Min Read

Hi there – it’s Captain Nemo here, with an infrequent appearance on the esteemed Eye of the Fish. Just want to bring to your attention the launch of a new book – Tall: the Design and Construction of High-rise Architecture – being unveiled to the world on Wednesday October 9th at 5.30 and you’re all welcome to come along. There will be copies available for sale…

5 Min Read

Have you ridden a scooter yet? One of those new-fangled electric scooter thingies, not those little children’s ones about the size of a kneecap? All those in favour say “Aye !!” All those against say “Nay !!” The Ayes have it. No? Party vote called for! While Wellington is well served by buses through the centre of town, they all mostly choose the one same path,…

4 Min Read

Last night I went along to the public meeting to meet some candidates for the upcoming election, labelled “Talking Transport”. With columnist Dave Armstrong conducting the proceedings, it was a fairly humorous evening at the ASB Indoor Arena, probably with the highlight being the very beginning, where Armstrong introduced our city with a sardonic viewpoint on how well we were getting on here – the quote…

4 Min Read

That IS the question alright, being asked all over Wellington as we near the time for an election. This year, Council elections appear to be up in the air – in a big way. We have a wide range of candidates for all Councils, and really, it is hard to know who to vote for. How to make your mind up? And Why does it matter?…

4 Min Read

Although normally concerned with matters urban and matters Wellington, occasionally I take a deep dive and end up in the Waitemata. On this occasion a new boat has been launched, on which much of New Zealand’s pride has been locked up in. On TeamNZ winning the America’s Cup last time (we’ve won and lost so many times now that I’m really not sure where we are…

2 Min Read

The KiwiBuild “reset” has been as well anticipated as the Mueller Report – and now that the details are unveiled, its lack of any substantive detail is just as disappointing. That’s probably a clever move by Minister Megan Woods, as without any targets, she won’t be held to task if KiwiBuild creates just five houses, or five hundred, or five thousand. No target, no matter. “KiwiBuild…

4 Min Read

Interesting development here following on from the discussion on various new apartment buildings: an un-named source has sent the Eye of the Fish a set of plans of the Monark development on Adelaide Road in Wellington. Things are not quite the same as what I had thought – there is not a courtyard on the other side, but there is a large L shape to the…

3 Min Read

The Fish has been casting a glassy fish Eye over some of the recently proposed new apartment buildings in Wellington, and likes what it sees. We haven’t reviewed new apartment buildings for a while now – to be frank, I thought they were on their way out due to insurance issues – but there have been a number of new builds over the last year. Elizabeth…

2 Min Read

More and more people have come out of the woodwork at the last moment, and Scoop has a full list of candidates for Wellington. Here are some who are angling for the top job: Norbert Hausberg Don Newt McDonaldJenny CondieJustin LesterConor HillDiane CalvertAndy Foster Andrew Cox Ajay Rathod I’m not sure why, but my first thought was to stage a caption competition, between two fairly stodgy…