
1,098 Articles
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The Fish has been following developments in Parking Day for the last couple of years, and is heartily pleased that someone has got off their chuff and started the movement here too. Greg Bodnar managed to check out the scene in Lower Cuba St and check into a parking place for a few hours – taking up the officially designated car park space and turning it…

3 Min Read

A snippet in the paper a while back regarding the possibility of a “boutique cinema” in Wigan St has had the Fish thinking what a great idea this would be. For a city that used to be renown for high quality movie experiences (in the 1950s almost the whole town would turn out to the movies on a Friday night, in a wide range of small…

2 Min Read

It is only a few days away now, but I’m still not feeling the love for the Rugby World Cup. Former RadioNZ heavyweight Sean Plunket noted in his opinion piece in the DomPost a couple of weeks back that: “Whatever your view on the event and the significant expenditure of public funds by the last and current government on securing and preparing for it, RWC 2011…

2 Min Read

While the story of the moment is of course the untimely death of Alan Hubbard (and the much-voiced – in private, at least – was it deliberate, or just an incredibly coincidental accident), and the incredulous reaction of the ever-faithful in Timaru, who still believe in the rectitude of Saint Alan, despite the evidence to the contrary – the real story is elsewhere. Yes, we know…

2 Min Read

Consultation on the NZTA’s solutions for “roading improvements” around the Basin and through to the Airport (the tail end of State Highway 1, if you will), closes today. I’ve been taking a bit of a back seat on this, watching from the sidelines as the alternative proposal put forward by the Architectural Centre “Option X” gets some decent airtime. From what I can gather, it is…

2 Min Read

There seems to be no better time to say it than at this time of year, following on from an excellent week of serious winter weather: Merry Christmas or rather Joyous Antipodean Yuletide Felicitations! In years to come they’ll still be talking of this week, and people will hardly believe that we had so much snow. I’m always curious though, that the news reports it as…

7 Min Read

Welcome back! Oh no, sorry, it’s us that has been gone. I must say, I’ve been amazed by the riots of last week – how quickly the thin veneer of civilisation can be stripped away, to be replaced with outright thuggery in a single night. It seems that everyone is affected. At first it just seemed like another weekend bit of bother, the kind of thing…

4 Min Read

We sit here today at the start of what could be just another week, or what could be a week of financial meltdown, with the US monetary system in potential (further) calamity. Little old New Zillun is unfortunately at the head of the queue on this one, with the downgrading of America’s credit rating occurring last thing after the bell on Friday, and the NZX being…

1 Min Read

We like a little bit of self parody at the Fish. This is brilliant. Sad, brutally honest, and yet, still brilliant. Listen to the lyrics y’all. Taking Jay-Z and Alicia Keys best work in the best city, and applying it wholesale (what else, given the locale)… Best / most poignant line for me was when she sang that “nobody would even care… if the City was…

6 Min Read

As far as Architectural SuperStar news stories goes – this one has to be a biggie, surely. Japanese architect Shigeru Ban designing a new cathedral for Christchurch out of cardboard? Fantastic ! Despite lots and lots of anguished stories about heritage buildings being destroyed, or at least – not saved, this is the opposite story – a ray of hope and light in an otherwise derelict…