
1,103 Articles
5 Min Read

I’ve been quiet about this new proposed building because Scoop, Stuff, and the Arch Centre appeared to be taking a lead on discussing it – but discussion seems to have died down already. Public submissions close on March 9 – ie Friday, but this is the submission period before a more formal Resource Consent application. This is the most important new building on the horizon –…

8 Min Read

On Thursday morning, 1st March, 2012, the New Zealand licensed building practitioner scheme comes into being. From that day forward, the only people allowed to build or design anything more than just a little bit complicated than a chicken shed, are people who have the initials LBP after their name. Anything that requires a Building Consent. Anything that is to be known as Restricted Building Work….

3 Min Read

Sometimes you get the feeling that the world is trying to send you a message. This is a map of brick buildings in Wellington – unreinforced brick masonry, or URM as they are now fashionably known. These URMs are going to be a headache for all of us for the next 10-20 years… Light blue shows a URM, dark blue shows you an old (pre-1939) URM….

3 Min Read

I know that this is straying away a little from our stated aim of discussing architecture and urbanism, but before we get back to discussing buildings on the waterfront, isn’t there something more important that we should be discussing? I’m talking about the current trial – I was away during the actual police raids a few years back, and so have never heard or seen anything…

4 Min Read

This is a public service announcement from the Eye of the Fish: As the Expert Panel reported back yesterday with recommendations as to what NZ needs to do in regards to the earthquake strengthening of our buildings, and seeing as you all / we all in the urban design / architectural / engineering / construction field are going to be intimately affected by this over the…

1 Min Read

Yep, the time of year to put on women’s clothing, and hang around in bars. While I do enjoy seeing the supporters dress up and make fools of themselves – its one of Wellington’s best occasions – I don’t think I am going to be watching any of the rugby this year. Actually, does anyone go there to watch the rugby? Or is it really all…

3 Min Read

Been to see Hugo yet? Do so, please, while it is still on at a big screen – it is really quite magical. I took all the little fish to see it the other day, and we loved it. I knew nothing about it before I went, and so was pleasantly surprised: it’s an homage to a past film-making master, George Melies, directed by Martin Scorsese….

1 Min Read

A short, sharp, sweet and sour chilli post: aren’t the new Lanterns at the Southern Cross garden bar great? Love ’em ! Thanks for the pix Bambi – and thanks to the Southern Cross Bar for being so awesome. Whoever the architect is, deserves a medal I tell ya ! Gung Hai Fat Choy ! Re the year of the Dragon – I think we might…

6 Min Read

While Auckland is agonizing over the prospect of the vile Chow brothers building a 15 story high brothel in the CBD, on the site of their demolished former heritage building, Wellington (thankfully) does not seem to be such a magnet for their Chow charms. Instead, we’ve got a more modest addition to the capital’s brothel stock, with a smaller four story high building being converted to…

6 Min Read

Hello: Indeed, as minimus notes, we’re back. Thanks for your continued interest, support, and friendly comments. Sensible post from mini, somewhat off the wall one from maxi: Guess what? It is going to be the Year of the Dragon soon (23 January), in the Chinese astrological calendar, and while I don’t normally go in for all that mystical mumbo-jumbo claptrap, dragons are just so cool, what…