
1,103 Articles
3 Min Read

I mentioned this project in passing the other day, in a post about the return of the cranes to the city skyline, and thought its worth having a bit of a closer look at it this morning. I’ve been sneaking off into Moore Wilson’s car park to take photos every so often, and so this first photo is from a few months back, when just a…

1 Min Read

Stunning news today in our little northern satellite town of Auckland, where the National government is deciding to go ahead with the CBD Rail Loop Link. That’s a pretty mighty about face for the government, and an excellent outcome for Auckland. It’s also a rather hefty bill, for what Gerry Brownlee still calls a short little loop of rail, but it really is a vital one….

1 Min Read

Do Estate agents live on the same planet as us? Have a look at this: Immaculate Investment Tidy Price This is an extremely well presented investment or home for the discerning purchaser, offering two double bedrooms and a location that will see you conveniently placed for all necessities. Close to transport, shopping and the city, practical and spacious living, and a motivated vendor with a deadline…

1 Min Read

Well, wouldn’t you know it – the storm of the century in Wellington, and I’m not there to see it. From all accounts, it was a real doozy – I’m glad to hear that Wellington has pulled through, even if various seaside properties are minus fences and stretches of roads. Best quote for me came from that bloke in Lyall Bay, who was quoted as saying…

1 Min Read

I did have a small post scheduled for tomorrow morning, but the release of both of these today sort of takes precedence! It never rains, but it pours! Seems kind of appropriate, considering the weather we have been having lately. So: seeing as the Basin Reserve “mitigation” study / blatant bribe to the Reserve Trust has been released, and the Passenger Transport Spine study, and the…

3 Min Read

OK – Hear me out here people. There’s been a lot of kerfuffle over a couple of things this week – one is the proposed $43m strengthening of the old Town Hall, and the other is the proposed $300m extension of the airport. First things first : where have those figures come from? Put them back at once – you don’t know where they have been!…

7 Min Read

On May 21 there was an article in the DomPost by Hank Schouten about shopping malls. The article said (provocatively, I thought), that : “More malls needed, say researchers”. This research, based on info paid for by international property wranglers Jones Lang LaSalle, noted that New Zealand has “only 0.4 square metres of mall space per person, which is low by international comparison.” Thank God for…

1 Min Read

I’ve discovered a disturbance in the Matrix. Nothing as simple as a cat walking past twice, or a choice of red or blue pills, or a conversation with The Architect – I’ve discovered that Google is trialling a new google maps thing with Auckland, and it has not yet been spread to Wellington. Or, indeed, the rest of the world… Google are using NZ – Auckland…

4 Min Read

Although the recession is by no means over, and our city is heading into yet another winter with a construction deficit, there are some bright shiny lights on the horizon. No, not the gleaming lights of a distant city, nor the landing lights of an Imperial star-fighter, but a more simple, down home version: construction lights on a crane, coming soon to a neighborhood near you….

2 Min Read

I’m quite interested in New Zealand’s old architecture, particularly those old colonial buildings that we haven’t preserved much of, but can still be found. So I went to Glenside, near Tawa to see an old colonial house. Apparently the suburb of Glenside used to be called ‘Halfway’ back in the day because it was located right in the middle between Wellington and Porirua. What a cool…