Every year, it gets to around this time, and I think: that’s it, it’s all over for me. No more Eye of the Fish – no more writing, no more blogging, no more to say. Maybe that is the true “Christmas spirit” down under – no more work, just relax by the beach. I’m packing it in, early this year – have got a few more…
I’m not sure if this real news yet or not – as Freddie sang, “is this real life, or is this just fantasy?†– but the DomPost is reporting that a large, indoor Arena, the size almost of the Spark Arena in Auckland, is to be built on the foreshore in Wellington. The report says that 5 sites have been investigated – including on top of…
The post here at the Fish on Swan Lane has provoked interest from regular readers and others. While the comments in the last post segued into discussion on 80s nightclubs – actually quite fascinating – and makes me wonder – are there any nightclubs left in Wellington? Do people still go out dancing? If so, where? But I digress. I also got interest from a friend…
There’s a public consultation exercise going on, and Wellington City Council wants your input. They’re keen to know what you like about the area between Marion and Victoria – from Vivian to Ghuznee – centred around Swan Lane and Garrett St. Still confused where? Here’s a map: (Post-script: I’ve corrected and updated this map a little from the original Council document. All sites drawn from memory…
And so the time comes round again: a new building on the waterfront. As sure as hens lay eggs, no matter what is proposed, the aged geriatrics at Waterfront Watch will be objecting to the proposed new building at Site 9, because – well, just because that’s what they always do. And because they have lots of spare retired time up their sleeves, they are bound…
Halloween: All Hallows: The Day of the Dead. What better way to spend the end of October than to celebrate the End of Life? Happy Halloween everybody! Although it seems wrong to my stiff anglo-saxon heritage, to celebrate death, it makes a lot of sense really. Its the most natural thing in the world, and the only certain one – even more so than taxes –…
I’m a little shocked and saddened by some of our citizen’s sad and psychophantic attitudes to the arrival of Mr and Mrs Sussex, reacting as though they were someone really important, or famous: like the Beatles, or Elvis. Maybe its because I’m not a 14 year old girl, but the screaming sound of the crowd when Harry and Megz touched down was almost as loud as…
I’m starting this post with a quote from a friend of mine who has just published a chapter in a book: “A great spatial mixing is under way: the suburbs are urbanising, getting fuller and more varied, adding more opportunities to work and remain there, and, where this is most successful, developing greater local character. Our city centres are humanising – becoming more pleasant, leafier, varied,…
I’ve never yet been invited to the Property Council Award night, despite my leading position in the Architectural media sphere, and so I wasn’t there the other night when Press Hall was awarded the grand winner prize. That’s a pity, as I would have liked to be there – to have applauded like crazy with everyone else, as it is such a good development. It’s a…