
1,103 Articles
1 Min Read

Great news for NZ magazine lovers and architecture aesthetes alike – Here is now here. It’s landed – silky smooth paper, great art direction, quality paper, cute ‘n quirky new design. The man to thank for this is the freshly shaven Simon Farrell-Green who took the plunge, armed only with an ageing MacBook and an iPhone, and in his spare room he has crafted a great…

3 Min Read

One of Wellington’s long-desired and much awaited projects is apparently to get underway as part of the Government’s shovel-ready infrastructure projects: Te Ara Tupua, aka the Ngauranga to Petone Cycleway. It isn’t going to have to go through the usual lengthy Resource Consent process which I would normally be very supportive of – this is a project that has been proposed and discussed for the last…

1 Min Read

Ghost ships have been sighted in Wellington Harbour this morning – faint blue outlines of something, lurking beneath the waves…. Is it a relic from a bygone era? If so, why haven’t we seen the wreck before? There have been many shipwrecks in Whanganui-a-Tara over the years, of course, with at least 8 wrecks out on Barretts Reef alone, but what would cause a large ship…

6 Min Read

Today I’m taking a different tack to the Eye of the Fish. I’m going for a walk down a shopping street, in the spirit of some retail therapy. My TV blew up last night – the sound still goes, but the picture doesn’t – and what is the use of a TV without a picture? Radio without Pictures? And in this modern age, do I need…

7 Min Read

With the rest of the world locked up and getting bored out of their tree, its just a few countries like us that are starting to truly get out and about without masks. We’re lucky beyond belief. Now we can go out and party carefully – or stay in and party hard. Meanwhile, the toppling of statues in the USA and UK has started to have…

3 Min Read

As a blog dedicated to commenting on Architecture and Urban Design in Wellington, you could argue that I should have no reason to make any comment on the disruptions in America caused by the death of George Floyd. You could, but you’d be wrong – it’s my blog and I’ll write what I like, about what I feel. The Eye of the Fish looks in many…

12 Min Read

Note: Post updated – refer down to the end. There’s been a lot of clamouring over on Scoop from various people all demanding that the Library is reopened forthwith, and that the Council stop mucking about with the secrecy over the Elwood report. The leaked snippets that we, the public, have seen so far include a range of options – for a 90% NBS strengthen and…

1 Min Read

Too good an opportunity not to write about: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s house for Mrs Farnsworth is once again under water, as the Fox River flooded yet again. So: not quite all at sea, as it is a river, but entertaining none-the-less. Seen like this, I think we can honestly say it looks twice as good. Here it is under construction – the purest expression…

5 Min Read

Wellington is hitting the road running, we hope, in an effort to get the economy restarted after our 40 days of sleepy time. We’ve all had a relatively pleasant break time, with lots of pyjamas, long walks amongst nature, increased observation of fantails, a fair bit of zooming in your undies and thankfully, not a whole lot of dying in droves from a scummy virus rattling…

1 Min Read

Wellington’s lucky in this respect I guess: although we have many tourists (usually), we have a few other strings to our bow, so to speak. We have a University or two, or three, we have a major regional hospital, we have a flourishing port that will probably survive the loss of cruise ships, we have (or had) several musical / concert / opera venues / theatres…