Having only just finished an upgrade of the Westpac Stadium last year, in time for the wugby world cup, it seems odd to me that the Stadium Trust are already talking about their next major upgrade – a complete refurbishment of the stadium inside and out – as shown in the DomPost today. In typical Dompost manner, all mention of the architects and engineers responsible for…
And so, just like that, our shortest day has passed, and our winter daylight hours start once more to get more lengthy. There, that wasn’t all that bad now, was it? And a happy mid-winter celebration to you too. I’m not really a fan of Matariki yet – it still feels too much like a manufactured celebration, like Kwanza. I’ve said before that Christmas is out…
Today: a guest writer: I’m writing this guest post about a proposed housing development in Upper Hutt, (so not quite Wellington, but we’re still part of the Wellington region, right : ). For those still struggling to find the relevance to this blog, remember this post? (“Upper Hutt State of Mind†song). Now this new development of some 1800 houses is being put forward by the…
Im sure that there is not a single person left in NZ who has not heard all about our leaky houses. With a bit of luck, even the builders and designers responsible should have figured out by now what not to do, so sparing us every having to rebuild our suburbs again in the future. It’s a complex problem, but at the end of the day,…
Interesting news today that Shed 35 at the Port is to be proposed as a site for a new Market within Wellington. I haven’t got a photo to hand, but for those that don’t know, Shed 35 is the last of the big old brick sheds on the waterfront, surrounded by Harbour Board land. I haven’t been inside it – but then again, unless you were…
I thought that as, apparently, it is the last day of term today for university students, that I would share a picture or two I’ve found from a 1984 issue of Superman, which depicted the Columbia University classroom of 2862. Just a mere 850 years in the future. Perhaps time travel is working faster than we thought. The computers the students were using look a little…
It’s time like these, in the dead of winter, that I wish I was back in England. No – not for the weather – by all accounts we are having better weather in NZ today than Britain had over the weekend, but because of the shear sense of fun. Or should that be sheer? One is a pair of clippers, the other is a see through…
Don’t go back. You can never go back. The past is indeed a distant country. The Fish is away at present, and may be some time. Revisiting old haunts. But things are never the same. Going back to the House of the Fish, where us little tiddlers took our first few tentative steps. When we left our house, our ancestral home, our turangawaewae, if you will:…
wiggly wiggly wiggly wiggly wiggly. Five wigglys – that’s how wiggly this is. Tory Street, 2012: the year this city got its wiggle on. I can’t overstate how much fun this building is – a plan, ugly, bog-standard black box of a building with the world’s worst pudding basin hairdo before (Mansard Roof, pug nose: traincrash ugly), this little Tory St palace has been transformed into…
There is a lot of info to download in the latest swag of reports from Aecom, the folk doing the Passenger Transport Spine Study. Most of Wellington won’t read it – certainly the writers to Stuff haven’t read it, as they blithly mouth off without a clue. I’ll tell you what – I’ll give it a go to read it, and then I’m going to post…