There are two ways of looking at the Civic Square debacle – the worst thing ever, or the best opportunity ever. You know which side I’m going to take! Wellington’s Civic Square, Te Ngakau, is / was / should be the capital’s pride and joy. Comparable in function to Sienna’s Palio, to Rome’s Piazza Navona, to London’s ummm, Trafalgar Square? Leicester Square? Soho Square? our Civic…
The Wellington Town Hall is getting strengthened and some people are getting exasperated at how long the process is taking. To be fair, the building has been sitting empty, closed off for a number of years now, and only recently (2018) has it actually been behind work hoardings. So – what is likely to be happening? We’re not completely sure, but here at Eye of the…
A bit of a change of tack here on Eye of the Fish – away from burning cathedrals and crazy housing – we thought that it may be useful to bring to your attention a MBIE discussion paper on legislative reform of the Building Sector. It is quite a wide-ranging review, probably the biggest for years since the actual review of the Building Act itself in…
I woke up this morning to hear the unbelievable news that Notre Dame de Paris was on fire – and by tonight it was all over. Impossible to think that it could happen at first, and yet when you stop to think about it, it is a wonder that it hasn’t happened before now. 850 years old with barely a scratch, and then when you start…
Well, hello hello. Good news! The extravagantly stupid plans for the Petone to Grenada Link Road, have been ditched. With the road through Transmission Gully currently on route to be the most expensive road in New Zealand’s history, and with P2G due to clock in at – rough estimate – at least 4 times more expensive than Trans Gully – well, at long last someone has…
Yet again the Dom Post is going all out for Click-Bait headlines, with front page news alleging that “Character homes may go”. That’s a title worthy of April 1st, not April 3rd. Perhaps a new boy on the news desk, trying to turn a few heads with spurious bullshit. Fonseka: back of the class for you mate! Time to grow up and write a serious, well-researched…
These poor Aussies seem to have a screw loose about Wellington traffic conditions. I thought that a quick mash up of actual site conditions, taken from actual photos of actual cars actually driving on Taranaki St, might help their design skills along a bit. Free to a good home, A+ !!!
In a surprise move this morning, Victoria University head honcho Grant Guildford announced that he had decided not to pursue his ill-fated name change policy and instead would try a different tack. The previous University plan was to change the name of the University from: “Victoria University, of Wellington” and to simplify it to “Victoria, University of Wellington” with a subtle repositioning of the comma. At…
For quite some time the central area on Taranaki St has been a bit of a pedestrian desert – Briscoe’s boring half mile on one side of the highway, and the Capital City Ford / Mazda car yard on the other. Super-shiny new cars with big petrol engines – the last branch of the unleaded dinosaur brigade, with Ford (once a behemoth in this part of…
Last night was a super moon, the largest for the year – and a worm moon, apparently, according to the Guardian. A symbol of starting anew, planting for the new season in the northern hemisphere. Here, of course, it heralds Autumn, and leaves falling off trees. Here it is with the tower of Antenna Hungaria at the top of Karancs mountain, seen against the rising moon…