It’s Sunday evening and I just saw through a friend’s Facebook a link indicating that Wellington icon Blanket Man (Ben Hana) died in hospital. Since this is a blog devoted to the city of Wellington and its sense of place I can’t imagine that we could not mention his death. Â He was a permanent fixture of the streets of Wellington and was a bit of…
Greetings and Happy New Year! I made a singular resolution this year, and that was to write for Eye of the Fish, so it’s a pleasure to be the first post of the new year. Â Plus, with this post I’ll have already have accomplished my resolution – huzzah! One of the things that I’ve found difficult is that, unlike commenting, writing actually takes work! Â who knew……
Watching in amazement at the North Koreans with their state sanctioned out-pouring of grief, more artificial but no less weird than the Brits did when Lady Diana died, it seems an appropriate point on which to bid farewell to this quite frankly disaster-filled year, to wish you all a Happy holiday break, and to get my togs on and go fishing myself. The proper time for…
So, after 369 posts, 5034 comments, and more or less avoiding some 14,963 spam, we’re running a bit low on keen and willing writers here at the Eye of the Fish. Let’s face it, as a form of journalism / interaction with the public, blogging seems unfortunately to have had it’s day – it has become the MySpace of the digital world, as opposed to leaping…
I can’t recall the last time I sat and cried all the way through a movie – maybe it was a love story or maybe it was a tragedy – but this time it was a documentary. What an extraordinary film. Go. See. It. Now. Filmed by Christchurch resident Gerard Smyth, When a City Falls is a quite remarkable documentary, of fascinating interest to engineers, architects,…
So, Michael Jackson had it right after all. Long, long ago, a long long time before he magically changed from a black man into a white woman, he penned some words and danced some moves that sum up the New Zealand electoral scene quite nicely thank you: “It’s close to midnight Something evil’s lurkin’ in the dark Under the moonlight You see a sight that almost…
On a day like today, with the wind blowing to the Max, it seems that the best answer has won: Wellywood has been blown away, by, well, Wellington – Blown Away. While I had a personal liking for the idea of the Eye of the Taniwha, seeing as Braddock is drawing off a similar theme to our little website, if there is one thing people know…
In place of the usual big bangs and anti-catholic burning of an anti-royalist effigy on Saturday night, some of the Fish crew saw the film Metropolis at the Michael Fowler Centre. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it, but it is the first time I’ve seen it that has really done it justice. The film has been restored, almost, to a state of perfection –…
Gosh – that was a surprise! Our venerated local broadsheet, el Domino Postale, appears to have gone and written an excellent, thoughtful article on what we need to do with Cuba St. Have they got a new reporter perhaps, one who is actually interested in matters more important than cute doggies or cats stuck up trees? There is hope, at least – keep an eye out…
On a day like today, when Gaddafi has been captured, and killed, bringing to a gruesome end to 40 odd years of African bedlam, it seems almost comical to watch the westerners efforts at starting a revolution. From the initial somewhat focussed start in Wall Street over in the centre of the arch-capitalist capital, New York, where at least there was some logic in saying “Occupy…