
1,098 Articles
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Tonight, two new films, at the Embassy. One on the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (at 6.30pm), and the other on Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan (at 5.00pm). Having not seen either of them, my guess is that the public will flock to the FLW film, but my pick would be the Rijksmuseum. Stunning new work, amazing battle over the architecture. Last night’s films and the nights before…

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Tonight’s double-bill is of: The Oyler House – Richard Neutra’s Desert Retreat and Desert Utopia – Midcentury Architecture in Palm Springs. The double bill session starts tonight at the Embassy at 6.15 and is sponsored or linked with ADNZ, so if you’re an Architectural Designer, you should be there! And even if you’re not ADNZ, but merely ADHD like me, you should be there. Let’s hope…

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Opening night films at the Embassy: If You Build It…(5.45pm) and The Latin Skyscraper (8.45pm). Better than the crap that’s on telly…. If You Build It . . . (2013, Director Patrick Creadon, 82 minutes) If You Build It is a captivating look at a radically innovative approach to education. The film follows two young designer-activists, Emily Pilloton and Matthew Miller, to the poorest county in…

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Just in case you didn’t know already, there is an Architecture Film Festival starting Thursday 29 May here in Wellington – and going on every day for a whole two weeks – click here. Absolutely fantastic – just what we all want in the middle of this gloomy winter. Bugger the winter storms, I’m off to huddle in the nice womb-like rooms of the Embassy Deluxe…

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The local media hasn’t caught up with this just yet, but we have just seen the greatest loss of architecture since – well, I don’t know. Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s masterpiece of design, the Glasgow School of Art, caught fire yesterday, in preparation of the 4th year final degree show. Sparks on foam, in the basement, and as flames were filmed breaking out of the roof, for…

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Blink and you miss it. Never has there been a more apt saying, than with the moving of the Crèche of Compassion. It can’t really be said to be a surprise, but the Crèche was moved backwards on Monday, quietly and without any real fanfare. Which is surprising, as the NZTA are normally keen on a bit of good PR. I’m most annoyed, because I actually…

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As the Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry has been debating the merits and issues about Heritage, and in particular the heritage aspects of the Crèche of Compassion, over the last week, it seems an appropriate time to discuss the crèche. It is, of course, about to embark on a journey, or two, or in fact three! Firstly, it is going to be jacked up, then moved…

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Following on from the post on Trains, and some discussion there, Wellington also needs to be discussing its buses right now. You have until 4pm on Friday – ie tomorrow! to put in a submission to Greater Wellington Regional Council – – about the future of Wellington. They’re consulting on the Wellington Public Transport plan – so that means routes, and that means what goes…