
1,103 Articles
2 Min Read

At long last – a bit of good news around a project that is not just about a strengthening of an existing building, but instead is actually a whole new building. It is early days yet, but it looks as though the dark cloud that destroyed the Defence Force HQ in Thorndon is finally lifting – instead of the old soldiers returning to a new building…

5 Min Read

Voting season has opened – for candidates to put themselves forward – and in September, we (the populace) get to vote. We will have a choice of candidates for both City Council and Regional Council: but how do we get the candidates we need on the playbill in the first place? Intelligent candidates, not just a bunch of old gray-haired buffoons. We have, it would seem,…

3 Min Read

Ten ways to get in trouble in Italy “As Rome and other Italian cities continue their crackdown on “uncouth” behaviour, you might get in trouble if you do any of the following: “Messy eating” or “camping out” on piazzas or the steps of monuments. Singing, while drunk, on public transport. Wrapping your mouth around the nozzle of a drinking fountain. Walking around bare-chested. Dragging wheeled suitcases…

2 Min Read

We’ve always been interested in the way people congregate in the human world. Coming as we do, from a Fish background, fish behaviour is easy by comparison – generally, we stick to the School system. All bunch together and move with the rest, or else you get eaten. But it is not that simple for the Human world, where you are the Apex predator, and feel…

1 Min Read

Just a wee pause here, for a week or two, for a couple of reasons: A, I’m busy right now and haven’t got a spare brain cell to write anything intelligent (some of you may say that is no change from usual), and: B, we’re under attack from Russian Spambots. No, I’m not being paranoid – I know they are Russian because their content is sometimes…

4 Min Read

For now at least, we’re all out of cute colourful graphics. Done my dash. Shuffled off this mortal coil as regard the photoshopping route-lines, which were here, and here, and here, and here. But the story is not yet over. Betterbee, the moniker for one of Wellington’s better educated transport gurus, reckons I’ve got it wrong for saying that PT down the Quays is good, and…

4 Min Read

Having been looking in depth at the Airport route last week, and having already looked at the Basin area, its time now to return to Base One: the start of any Light Rail / Public Transport route at Wellington Railway Station. A lot of this has been covered off by LGWM in their document dump, which I have been pouring over for the last few days,…

4 Min Read

There has been interesting dialog over the past few days on the Eye of the Fish, regarding exactly how the routes out east might connect with Kilbirnie, Miramar and ultimately, the airport. I’ve been working on preparing these plans I’m publishing here for quite some time, so they date from pre-discussion times and as such, may be out of step with what others are saying. They…

2 Min Read

Given that everyone seems to agree that any new PT route needs to go down to Newtown to visit the Hospital (thereby removing any need for doctors, nurses and staff to have to drive to work) and then possibly the Zoo (as another main attraction) and then cross over to Kilbirnie for the large and growing population there, the Eye of the Fish decided to take…

3 Min Read

Following on from the diagram that Eye of the Fish published a short while ago, it has come out that this is, indeed, more or less exactly the route that LGWM have proposed as well. The binding issue is, of course, that they have still not done three things: A) Agreed on what type of high quality PT we are going to have; and B) Agreed…