Hi there – it’s Captain Nemo here, with an infrequent appearance on the esteemed Eye of the Fish. Just want to bring to your attention the launch of a new book – Tall: the Design and Construction of High-rise Architecture – being unveiled to the world on Wednesday October 9th at 5.30 and you’re all welcome to come along. There will be copies available for sale at an extremely reasonable price of $60 and it is a right riveting read… Getting into the real nuts and bolts of your typical tall building construction. Regular readers and correspondents of Eye of the Fish are particularly welcome!

I’ll buy that – even before the movie makes it to Netflix!
m-d – I believe we can accommodate your request in Wellington, if that is where you are based?
Put me down for one.
Hooray – thank you Mr Starkive. I believe you are in a city north of Wellington? You have a couple of options – one could be to order it from Vic Books – or from Unity Books – or I believe that you may be able to order a copy from what is colloquially known as “Paige’s Bookstore – ‘The Best Little Book Store In The World!” Do any of those options help you?
Does the book include lots of pics of jumpforms?
Mr MPa – I’m not sure if it includes more than one pictures of a jump form, but you might have to buy a copy to find out…