
1,103 Articles
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In the interests of being a good citizen, and supporting the search for another possible site for the TSB Arena should it chose to relocate away from it’s foreshore-grabbing frontline position (surely the most pointless place for a ‘black box’ to be), I thought it may be useful to research some other sites around town that have been mooted. All the images have been sourced from…

1 Min Read

Normal transmission will be resumed shortly. In the mean time, ponder this: Not a very architectural image, to be sure, but an inspiring one none the less: if the Maximus is to get back a figure like this, then we need to get off our butts and away from the keyboard. It is increasingly difficult to write about design in a city which pays only lip…

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We’ve had a couple of comments recently about the site being infected, and have updated things so it should be alright. It’s hard for me to tell if there is anything wrong with the site – its not like there is a giant animated green troll that bleurgs it’s way out of the screen and warns us. But here we are, cleansing away, ready to start…

1 Min Read

Following swiftly on from the news that Wellington Waterfront is even thinking of demolishing the existing stadium, comes the question: If not there, then where? Its clear that the current site can’t cope with much more expansion, given that it is quite a large building already, and I can’t see anyone being particularly happy at the big shed getting even bigger or shedier. Although the DomPost…

4 Min Read

As the song went, “there’s a fine, fine line between pleasure and pain”. And so it is with the apartment market in Wellington, and my compulsion to write on this blog. One minute it seems like its not worth continuing with the blog as nothing much is happening on the Wellington construction scene, and the next minute – oh my god, they’re reporting about possibly tearing…

6 Min Read

Poor old Auckland – even though I can’t stand the place, it is almost getting my vote of sympathy this week. First up, some good news: they’ve banned Vuvuzelas from Eden Park. Personally I think they should bring in a mandatory shoot-on-sight policy for anyone found wielding one, but that might be a little harsh for a $2 piece of plastic. But secondly, time for some…

3 Min Read

Things have gone very quiet in Serepisos land lately, with not much talk of building the tallest tower in Wellington as a memorial to himself. I’m assuming that perhaps some temporary cashflow troubles may have put a temporary end to that particular dream. And, hopefully, to an end to the ghastly Apprentice spin-off. But it did get me thinking about tall towers. I’ve always been quite…

3 Min Read

While I went out on a limb recently with a post regarding the Foreshore and Seabed Act, there was some good reactions. Within hours of our post and ensuent discussion on the unfairness to some, the NZ Government announced that it would repeal the Act. Hooray! At least, I think hooray. While I’m happy that the Government and the Maori Party initially seemed to be agreeing…

2 Min Read

The number of tower cranes in Wellington has come down by one, in a surprise move last weekend. I’m a little mystified why it has come down so soon – its not as if there is a rush on with tower cranes at the moment, and its likely to just go to a yard somewhere and sit there rusting for a while. But even more than…

2 Min Read

Well, Well, Welly. Wellington City Council weren’t joking when they said they were going to start work on the Manners Mall bus route. Notice in the paper one day, ripping up those horrid concrete bricks (not one of the design team’s best choices it would seem) the next day. One of our regular readers sent this pic in as they started work: Design of the existing…