
1,081 Articles
4 Min Read

Hi fishes. Well the LGWM thing was announced supporting the big, most expensive package. As you know I got my issues, discussed in 3-Big-Flaws here. Thought I’d come back and address a few bonus thoughts. First up: The Gauntlet Tunnel. To recap. The selected package aims for trams to Island Bay, frustratingly bypassing Newtown, and a busway to Kilbirnie and Miramar frustratingly attached to a new…

3 Min Read

It’s a rare thing for an Architect to become a Mayor – and even rarer for an Architect to become a Knight. We (NZ) have only got a couple of benighted Architects, and there has only ever been one person who has attained both honours. Our only knighted Architect Mayor, Sir Michael Fowler, has sadly just passed away. I was not in Wellington when he was…

4 Min Read

Slowly but surely, at a majestic but glacial pace, Let’s Get Wellington Moving are moving forwards. Well, moving, at least. Maybe it is forwards. Maybe it is sideways. But at least it is not backwards. They’ve released some proposals, and want your / our feedback. And that means it is time for a closer look. Evidently, LGWM are working on this whole project bit by bit….

2 Min Read

In an announcement released quietly on 4th July, by MBIE, there is some massive cause for celebration. “MBIE advises seismically vulnerable buildings can remain occupied” is the best, most welcome news I’ve heard for years – and I imagine that it will be music to the ears of many building owners around the city too. “New guidance published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment…

3 Min Read

Transport Minister Michael Wood blindsided Wellington this morning, with an announcement – and a definite decision – that Wellington is going to get Light Rail to Island Bay, a resolution to the Basin Reserve, and a new tunnel in a big diagonal from the Basin to the far end of Haitaitai, right under Mt Victoria. I’m overjoyed and excited, not just for the solution but also…

7 Min Read

Today is the day that the elected Councillors will vote on the Proposed District Plan, which will shape our city for the next thousand years (too long? legally, only 10 years, but who knows how long we’ll be around!). But the Councillors only get to say Yes, or No, even though they will go through it line by line. It is really the unelected Officers who…

4 Min Read

Engineers – it’s time to stand up and be counted. I’m not sure if you lot in the Engineering crowd have noticed lately, but Aotearoa is getting mighty tired of you and your antics. Engineering NZ needs to be present in the room and take some responsibility for what a horrible unholy mess you have got this country in. Yes YOU, you know who I mean…

1 Min Read

I hesitate to even bother to post this, as the topic seems so small and the problem is so easily solved, but apparently the Busdriver’s Tramways Union has been “in discussions” for over 18 months on this topic, and they still don’t have an answer. Jesus wept. The incompetence of people in charge! It is all very solvable, for the price of less than $20. The…

4 Min Read

At the risk of raising the hackles of the designers of the revised Library design, who appear to have positioned an overly-large bedside table next to the beloved crinkly face of the Wellington Library, Te Matapihi, I’d like to explore the concept of “The Portal” a little further. I hope that you don’t mind. I used to call it the Portico, but I’ve been very firmly…

7 Min Read

When I’m not posting up here, it’s generally because I’m busy doing other things, but recently, because I’ve been following the war in Ukraine with horror. Doom scrolling, if you will, but I find it amazing that Putin thinks this was a good idea. I know that it is not the purpose of this blog to debate the war in Ukraine – but on the other…