
4 Articles
4 Min Read

Waking at 2.27am this morning, as we all were, for a moment I thought that my lover was gently rocking me to wake up. Then I remember that we broke up years ago and I’ve been single ever since. Who else was in the bed with me then? Why, it was my old friend Mother Earth, tugging at the heart strings with an earthquake revival a…

3 Min Read

It seems like I heard this a long time ago, but I’m sure you all have too. A boy cries out “Wolf” as a joke, and everyone runs for cover. He does this again, a few too many times, and the townspeople get weary of his false alarms. When the wolf really does come, and the boy shouts once more, the people just assume he is…

3 Min Read

The bad news just never stops, does it, while you’re connected to the global media. The world grows ever smaller: I got texted from the UK for me to watch out for tsunami, before I had heard from NZ media. It was truly chilling to watch the footage from Japan, with that slow moving wave destroy all before it: an evil black slug, devouring all the…

1 Min Read

One side of the Pacific plate: horrificly large earthquake. Hundreds dead, thousands homeless, yet again buildings destroyed. We’re lucky it wasn’t us. On the other side of the plate sits New Zealand. And, let’s be honest, a pitifully small tsunami – yes, we’re extremely happy not to have been swept away by the waves, but really, truthfully and honestly: Civil Defense grossly over-reacted, didn’t it? While…