While you’ve been sleeping, London has been burning down. Yes, to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, on 4th September 1666, the City of London have been doing a whole series of events around the Great Fire, and on their Sunday night – our Monday morning – they’re going to burn it all down again.
Well, not quite – instead, an arts group called Artichoke have commissioned an artist called David Best (who creates the huge Burning Man sculptures in Nevada and other massive fire events like the one called Temple last year in Derry), to create a scale model of London, anchor it on a barge in the Thames, and burn the thing to smithereens. Half the city will be there watching, but given the state of our shitty media here, you might miss it all together.
So here are some links. Wake up, watch this, and let’s see how it goes… (at the time of writing, it is yet to happen…).
Visit London – great fire 350
London’s burning

Well I loved it ! But I guess it was better seeing it in person….