
1,098 Articles
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I’ve not yet heard a single person say that they think any of the 4 selected flags are the right one – so, fairly predictably, the whole flag / rebranding exercise has failed. Which is not surprising when you get people as design-unsavvy as an aged ex-AllBlack and a reality TV show creator on the panel. A horse/flag designed by a committee is a camel –…

2 Min Read

It really is quite extraordinary how narrow-minded Government departments can be. And how an answer can be staring someone in the face. The Prime Minster is quoted today as saying: “We need to find a solution. My understanding was historically was the flyover was deemed to be by far the best solution at the most affordable price,” “Options of tunnelling, for instance, weren’t as realistic as…

4 Min Read

A guest post by regular reader Guy Marriage, about the recent death of Robert McGregor – the man behind the rebirth of Art Deco Napier: “It is with a great sense of sadness that I write of the death of Robert McGregor, of Napier. He was many things: a father to Angus and Isobel, a grandfather to two adorable grandchildren, the much-loved husband of Helen, as…

1 Min Read

If you’re not aiming at a substantial – a SUBSTANTIAL – increase in PT numbers, then what are you doing here? Wellington City is already aiming at a substantial increase in the number of people living in the city over the next 20-30 years, of about a 30% increase in population. NZTA have already established quite thoroughly in the Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry, that all…

5 Min Read

Seeing as a grey murk of impenetrable gloop has descended over the prospect of a PWC report actually making sense, then I thought that I might have a look to see if I could untangle what the report was actually about. Firstly: the nameless PWC report examined options: 5 of them, by the look of it. That’s not really 5 options now, is it, but more…

1 Min Read

I’m not sure if you have picked up on this, but this recent article in the Dominion Post (Katie Chapman, 31 July 2015) really shows how inept our Greater Wellington Council are: “Plans to fully separate bus lanes from central city traffic have been shelved.” If you recall, a year or two ago Price Waterhouse Coopers were tasked with producing a report on Wellington’s rapid public…

1 Min Read

One hundred and fifty. Gosh, suddenly I feel young again, at least by comparison. I’m posting this in all of a hurry because I only just found out that it is Wellington’s 150th birthday party THIS weekend, and there are going to be all sorts of events going on – and going OFF !!! Including, most relevantly for this blog, many open buildings which are not…

2 Min Read

I’m not entirely sure that I understand what the common thing is here, but I like the end effect. First up is an advert for Mercedes, one of the anonymous corporate silver sleek penis that roams our streets, filled with fat anonymous corporate suit-wearing middle-aged males. Probably also wearing an expensive watch. For reasons that may or may not have any logic, it appears to have…

1 Min Read

There was an article in the paper the other day, how Victoria University had bought, and was going to demolish, the “Gordon Wilson flats”. Apparently they are structurally unsound and so deserve demolition. If removed, “It is envisaged that the site would be Victoria’s front door to the city and provide a safe and attractive public pedestrian link route between the University and the City.” Now…