
1,098 Articles
3 Min Read

A venture up to Auckland to see the sights – and there as this one sight that is on a reasonably nice site. It’s a state house Jim, but not as we know it. Nat Cheshire has written about it already, in his usually pained way, over here (God, he’s tedious – what a prat), but I was there early – an hour or two is…

1 Min Read

Seeing as we seem to be at a bit of a turning point in history (far easier to see in hindsight than at the time, but either way : there’s some pretty weird things happening on the political front world wide at present), then I thought I would have a look at where we stand. We’ve had a World War or two, a Gulf War or…

5 Min Read

Slum. It’s a dirty word round here, isn’t it? Would you like it better if I called it something else? Barrio? Favela? Informal settlement? One thing is for sure: that the word slum gets bandied around a lot when well-meaning people decry proposed projects for housing poor people en masse, and yet these aren’t really slums at all. We haven’t got anything close to approaching what…

1 Min Read

M.A.M.O.N. – Latinos VS. Donald Trump / Ale Damiani from Taxi Films on Vimeo. A lovely little highly topical film… And this: An engineer explains why the wall won’t work…. “No. Donald Trump is not a builder. Donald Trump could not build a doghouse. Donald Trump is a developer who pays what he would call “very, very smart people” to build things on his behalf. His…

1 Min Read

Talking about integrity as a President brings up another issue – integrity of Design and acknowledgement of ownership. The new President’s team commissioned a cake that was EXACTLY the same appearance as one made for Obama 4 years earlier. No acknowledgement to the original baker, or icer, or cake designer, and not just similar, but a direct copy, according to Stuff in this article from the…

1 Min Read

Its taken over 5 years since the first Canterbury quake for some actual real action to be taken on strengthening, and not before time. Now that the laws allow for this to happen, the Council has stepped in and said: Strengthen those weak and easily remedied bits first. Don’t sweat the big stuff right now – work on those floppy high walls of brick masonry and…

5 Min Read

Like, I suspect, most of you reading this, I am a mixture of appalled and very glad – appalled that the Americans elected a complete narcissistic dickhead to the position of the President, and very glad that I am over here in a land very far away from him and his hired bunch of expensive illiterate thugs. I’m most impressed by the massive crowd of women…

6 Min Read

It is always a slow start to the year, after some quality time spent at the beach. The malaise of having to go back to work hangs heavy over us all, especially as the weather is (normally!) better once you have returned to work after a summer holiday. This year, reasonable amounts of fairly mediocre weather meant more time spent indoors reading, than the more traditional…

4 Min Read

The south wind blows strong at the Wellington Airport: nowhere more so than in the architect’s eye. This scheme was sprung on us a year or so ago, with dramatic renderings of a radically leaning building as the new airport control tower. A certain amount of artistic license is expected in the architect’s image supplied, but the sight that is now reaching high into the sky…

5 Min Read

So: what did you get up to over the holidays? Relax by the beach? Climb a high mountain? Forget about work? Demolish a building? Watch Star Wars at the cinema? Watch Back to the Future on TV? Was it all, perhaps, strangely familiar? It was, perhaps, for me, the strangest Christmas, composed of mixtures of bad weather and good beach days, along with unexpected yet exquisite…