While the news of the hour is that architect Chris Moller has left Grand Designs NZ (oh no!), and that they have not got a replacement yet (actually, they do, but I’m not going to tell you who), the REAL big issue – the news of the next decade or two or three or five – is that NZ is going to start to get serious…
BNZ Harbour Quays bites the dust. You may not have noticed the gradual reduction in size over the past few months, but the former BNZ headquarters down on the waterfront Quay has been steadily chewed up over the last wee while, without any celebration or fuss. Remember when we imported a giant set of Christchurch munchers to eat some buildings, back in – ooooh, about 2011…
Like many of you, I have been watching events unfold in the USA with interest. Yes, I know that Maximus and Leviathan may be rolling over in their watery graves for me even approaching such a topic – after all, this is a blog dedicated to architecture, in Wellington, rather than political events in Washington. But there is a strong link, which I will get to…
Phew – thank goodness that 2020 is over. It’s been a horror show for most of the world and never seemed to want to finish, but at last, like T****’s presidency, it’s at an end. Things can surely, only get better from here on in. What is the future going to hold for Wellington? What is the future for Eye of the Fish? How can the…
A missive has arrived from Wellington City Council, outlining that they have a plan for some changes around Garrett St (just off Cuba St) and Swan Lane (opposite Garrett St). In the interests of speediness, as they have a very short period of consultation, I’m going to post it here. There is actually screeds of paperwork, with parking places spelt out in GPS coordinates (Ha! try…
Hi, I’m Nemo. Captain Nemo to you. I’ve written on this blog a couple of times before but the recent demise of Leviathan makes me think that we shouldn’t just let it all go to waste. I’ve been reading Eye of the Fish for years and am going to give it a try to keep it going, but under new management. It seems that Wellington really…
So there we have it. After some 40-50 years of existence in the capital, the WCC accomodation tower at the Arlington site is coming down. We all know the story: designed by Ian Athfield, named after former Wellington councillor / mayor George Porter, the tower was a thoroughly quirky feature of Wellington, looming over the city with its slightly mad external appearance. At one end was…
Tena kotoe katoa and welcome back to the Upoko o te Ika a Maui. After a brief holiday, I’m back. While I’ve been off relaxing, Philip has been hard at work, planning and redesigning the website, adding in a search button so that you can search by key-words for key subject areas, giving it a more modern funky interface, and most wonderful of all to me:…
There’s a lot hanging onto the proposed extension to the Taranaki “Green School” at present, including the job of the Greens Co-Leader James Shaw, the future of the Green Party itself, the resulting possible coalition Government of Labour / Greens / NZ First, and heck, that could even possibly lead to the re-emergence of National under Crusher Collins. Yikes! And all because Shaw was silly enough…