
1,104 Articles
2 Min Read

A new (proposed / draft / actual – who knows, really?) District Plan has dropped and it fills me with dread. Horror. Revulsion. They’ve only gone and screwed it up again, haven’t they? I’m not going to mince my words about this – what is being proposed in terms of height limits in the Central Area is a crime against humanity. What was discussed and submitted…

2 Min Read

We’ve been waiting for years for this and although it is not yet official, at long last we are seeing some progress. This was a scoop leaked by the Dom Post – and I’m keen to know more, so I’m posting it up here. While I’m sure that LGWM have gone through millions of alternatives, and fully evaluated tham and argued endlessly over them, for the…

2 Min Read

Wellington’s Waterfront is going to be quite full, or so it seems. Yesterday the WCC agreed in principle to the proposed Fale Malae being proposed for the waterfront, or at least for them to go forward to the next phase of planning. This is the same Fale that was proposed for a site up near Parliament (on Bunny St, between the Victoria School of Law in…

2 Min Read

It’s seldom that projects get publicly notified these days – the developers usually have it their own way with everything being done behind closed doors. You have to do something seriously different to raise the ire of the Planning Department enough that they feel they have no option but to make it known to the public. The Adelaide Hotel is one such scheme. There’s an existing…

1 Min Read

Lockdown’s first couple of days with cold rain and drizzle were a bit miserable, but then on Saturday we had possibly the most perfect weather I’ve ever seen in Wellington. There’s low-wind days, and then there is no-wind day. But the glassy mirror of the harbour at lunch time was just too perfect to resist any longer: it was a zero-wind day. As my local area…

3 Min Read

It may not seem much like it now, but the Haining St / Frederick St area is brimming full of remnants of an interesting characterful heritage past. It is in a state of change again right now, with the small-scale light industrial aspects of its past being removed, and a transplanting of a new wave of immigrants in the next phase of its life, with extensive…

6 Min Read

One of the things that really annoys me in life is when people deliberately try to obscure the truth. Trump, the GOP, climate-change deniers, Covid vaccine scarers – all highly stupid and irresponsible. But this sort of behaviour should never happen with quality practices of registered architects. A proposal has come into Council for a revision, of a revision, of a revision of a building that…

7 Min Read

Wellington’s main (only?) central Railway Station has been getting a lot of press recently, mostly over the intransigence of the Heritage NZ lobby who are, to be honest, being silly over the heritage of this building. They’ve only just today approved the installation of a pedestrian ramp out the front doors – the disabled have been forced to use the side door for the last several…

1 Min Read

Quote of the year here, from 60mPa. You’ve got a point there… 60 was of course lamenting at the ability of the Serious Crash Unit or whoever they were, closing off the Remutaka Hill for 4 hours or so over the weekend because of a motorcyclist who had crashed. The old concept of keeping the public moving seems to have gone well by the bye… good…

2 Min Read

OK: so my last post was trying to be all neutral, but I can’t take it any longer. I’m just going to come straight out and say it: we should build a bridge over the speeding cars along Cobham Drive, and we should have fantastic innovative design for the bridge as well. The NZTA – sorry, LGWM – consultation for this project shows they are back…