Having taken the chance to venture south of the city, to deepest darkest Island Bay, home of the Empire, the old Terminus, the Parade, and nothing taller than two storeys high, I got to wondering what would the future would be like in a world where four-six storeys has been authorised, encouraged, and even mandated. It’s hard to imagine at present, with the wide leafy boulevard…
So the Bill of Three Houses, Three Storeys, has passed. Parliament gave it the most unsexy title of all: Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill. But I think the title of Three 3 Bill would have been more interesting. Certainly, the aftermath of this extraordinarily rushed legislation will be interesting. It will enable intensification to a considerable degree, but probably not where…
While there is a need for good commentary on the Draft District Plan, expecting us ordinary citizens to go about our everyday jobs and still have the coherence to comment authoritatively on several hundred pages of new District Plan is asking a little too much of this particular Fish and their day job. So unless I get particularly creative and energetic over the next weekend, I…
Let’s not pussyfoot around – Wellington needs a Rapid Transit system and that simply cannot be more buses. And it needs to be Rapid (like the name suggests) so it needs some new direct routes – that means new tunnels. Yes, plural: Tunnels. Dame Kerry Prendergast was wrong, like many people with limited vision of her era, in that she is seeing Wellington in the past,…
What is the Cycling network based upon? It’s a bit of a quandary to me, because while in the online discussion form the WCC the other day, the designers were claiming that they had been studying the situation for years, looking which areas to link to which other areas, and this was the first time that they had gone to the step of actually showing Roads…
We are being asked to submit comments on four completely separate but highly important matters at the same time. If you thought that the run up to Christmas was getting tight for time this year, then get ready for it to be even more tight in terms of your time. Firstly, one you may not have been aware of: the proposal by KiwiRail and InterIslander to…
Hi all. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted (feels like it could be ten years). But I’m back to raise some major flaws with the LGWM plans because this has been a near and dear subject to me over the past 20 years. None of these flaws appear to be necessary compromises forced by cost or other constraints. And it appears we could fix…
At least, that seems to be the view of the vast majority of people commenting on the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, (RMEHSOM), which is being rammed through Parliament with indecent haste. Haste so hasty in fact that the Environment Select Committee was sitting on Saturday, which also happened to be the most glorious hot Saturday of the summer so far….
The Draft District Plan is up online and is calling for submissions. Consultation closes on 14 December. Many people will not have viewed it online, and may be unaware of the extent of the changes. First among these changes is that we will no longer have Inner Residential and Outer Residential, but instead we will have a General Residential Zone (everything there is noted as GRZ)…
The only way is UP, baby, for you and me now… So sang Yaz and the Plastic Population back in the 80s, and it’s what we are going to be singing now as well. Put your dancing shoes on and smash out the House music classics. There’s no doubt that the densities of our cities are going to be intensified, but we are left to discuss…