
1,104 Articles
1 Min Read

I hesitate to even bother to post this, as the topic seems so small and the problem is so easily solved, but apparently the Busdriver’s Tramways Union has been “in discussions” for over 18 months on this topic, and they still don’t have an answer. Jesus wept. The incompetence of people in charge! It is all very solvable, for the price of less than $20. The…

4 Min Read

At the risk of raising the hackles of the designers of the revised Library design, who appear to have positioned an overly-large bedside table next to the beloved crinkly face of the Wellington Library, Te Matapihi, I’d like to explore the concept of “The Portal” a little further. I hope that you don’t mind. I used to call it the Portico, but I’ve been very firmly…

7 Min Read

When I’m not posting up here, it’s generally because I’m busy doing other things, but recently, because I’ve been following the war in Ukraine with horror. Doom scrolling, if you will, but I find it amazing that Putin thinks this was a good idea. I know that it is not the purpose of this blog to debate the war in Ukraine – but on the other…

9 Min Read

The unveiling of the scheme for the revised central Wellington Library has had an interesting effect. Some people have been shocked at the price, of around $188 million, but I checked back on the estimates spoken about at the time, and that is bang on target from what they estimated when the Council voted to do it. Others have said they are aghast at the architectural…

2 Min Read

Hello again, and welcome back to the Eye of the Fish. I had quite a bit of work to do, and then I needed a holiday. And what did I do on holiday? Well, I read books, of course! Yes, I am one of those old-school types that still prefers a written book to an online presence, and so I’ve been really pleased recently to see…

6 Min Read

So today Transmission Gully was opened – blessed, ribbon cut, journos let through, and a few selected souls have had access. Tomorrow, it opens to the public, as Te Ara Nui o Te Rangihaeata, or the Big Pathway of Rangihaeata (Te Rauparaha’s nephew). No doubt he would feel honoured to have such a beast of a road named after him – and probably also a little shocked…

2 Min Read

So…. that was interesting. No real surprise there, that it would end in violence, given the people involved and the poor attitudes towards common sense right from the beginning. And despite the protestors bleating about police brutality, in reality they have not got the slightest justifiable complaint. Never before have I seen a protest so carefully picked apart by police, with amazing restraint, despite widespread incitement…

2 Min Read

The numpty-heads down at Parliament continue to protest and cause disruption, crying out for Freedom, when they honestly do not know what real “fighting for freedom” is all about. Stupidity abounds down there, which is sad, as I have three friends down there, and now Covid is spreading like wildfire through their ranks. My guess would be that nearly everyone down there now is infected, and…

1 Min Read

Just a quick question to the architectural / urban world out there – what the heck is happening to this building? I thought it was just a quick repaint job at first, because the whole place is less than 20 years old – 15? 10 ? – but something weird is going on. It has been covered with scaffolding for months now – maybe for a…

4 Min Read

Urban protest has a long history in New Zealand and especially in Wellington, being the capital and all that. I’ve been on a few myself over the years, and the point of them is to make a point, hopefully change someone’s point of view, and then go home for tea and see if you can spot yourself on the telly. The march for Climate Change a…