Another week, another week of chronic stupidity from the Council. It seems hard to fathom, given the amount of flack that Tory has weathered over the last couple of years, but they seem hell-bound on doing stupid things yet again, and spending money that they do not have, on things that are not necessary. Sigh….. This time the fresh stupidity is the response to the call…
I’m probably going to lose a few friends over this, but I don’t think the City to Sea Bridge is worth trying to save. As far as bridges go, it is honestly a just a little bit crap. And I’m a little bewildered and bemused by those who are weeping and wailing and kicking up a stink because it is due to be demolished. Let’s delve…
So, finally today we had the news that we all knew was going to happen one day – that the Pink Council building (WCC’s CAB) is to be demolished and developers / visionaries are asked to submit bids and proposals for a replacement building and a Masterplan. After too many years of sitting round doing nothing, suddenly it is all go, and proposals are needed immediately….
The time is ripe – the end is near. Gradually, slowly, the Independent Commissioners are releasing their Reports onto the interwebbies, and very slowly, a sleepy group of Wellingtonians are reading them. So many words, expensive words, produced at a rate of thousands of dollars per hour. It is a select group, as in reality so few people really give a toss, and yet in time,…
(Updated – see more info at end of post). In a recent news story on The Post, which may not have appeared on the Stuff, there was an article on a proposed new building on Customhouse Quay in Wellington. You may (or may not) have seen it, as Post seems to be splitting / abandoning Stuff, as their two websites now become very different beasts –…
Arguably, the brand new building on Site 9 at Kumutoto, leased out to lawyers Bell Gully and others, will be the last ever new building constructed on the waterfront. This marks a huge milestone therefore – it is, I think, the last building site identified on the Waterfront Framework. Site 7 became home to what is now the Meridian building, site 6 was presumably the site…
Engineers – it’s time to stand up and be counted. I’m not sure if you lot in the Engineering crowd have noticed lately, but Aotearoa is getting mighty tired of you and your antics. Engineering NZ needs to be present in the room and take some responsibility for what a horrible unholy mess you have got this country in. Yes YOU, you know who I mean…
Hello again, and welcome back to the Eye of the Fish. I had quite a bit of work to do, and then I needed a holiday. And what did I do on holiday? Well, I read books, of course! Yes, I am one of those old-school types that still prefers a written book to an online presence, and so I’ve been really pleased recently to see…
I can’t believe how nice this weather is right now – just beautiful, as if to make up for the rubbish weather we had immediately prior to Christmas. So, nothing to write about right now, except for the fact that obviously Eye of the Fish is on holiday, sitting by the sea somewhere, doing as little as possible. What has the world got in store for…
I’m not sure if this real news yet or not – as Freddie sang, “is this real life, or is this just fantasy?†– but the DomPost is reporting that a large, indoor Arena, the size almost of the Spark Arena in Auckland, is to be built on the foreshore in Wellington. The report says that 5 sites have been investigated – including on top of…