Mais non. Ne te pas. If you want suggestions on logos, go to here… Or for more, go here… But not here. These are not the logos you are looking for…. Dis donc. On y va! Au revoir. Post-script: And, while we’re on the yellow and black theme, how is this for a (subject-unrelated) note?!: I wonder where NZ sits….?
Hysteria grips the nation. Foolish words are said by foolish people, about mediocre fontography. But what do others have as a logo? How do we compare? What does Auckland have? Oooo, that’s boring. Official though. Their PR campaign is separate: What about over the ditch, in the West Island? That’s, ummmm, boring, and simple at the same time. But I guess it is recognisable. What about…
Things more important to be concerned about, than a logo: • Sorting out the Public Transport route and getting on with it. • Deciding whether we are going to have buses or light rail. • Implementing a complete separated cycle network throughout the city. • Providing a workable answer to paying for strengthening EQP buildings. • Lengthening the runway, or not. And then doing it anyway. …