Five and a half BILLION on potholes. There, I’ve said it again. Barmy. The Minister looks like a schoolboy and appears to have an obsession with cars and potholes. Stuff says: “It earmarked $5.5bn specifically for potholes – a significant increase compared to spending in the previous program – alongside $8.6 billion to state highway and local road improvements, $6.4 billion for public transport, and $4.6 billion into maintenance.” Simon also has several lists. One of these is headed Major public transport projects, and consists solely of:

  • Completion of the City Rail Link – Auckland trains
  • Eastern Busway – Auckland buses
  • Northwest Rapid Transit Corridor – Auckland buses
  • Airport to Botany Busway – Auckland buses
  • Lower North Island Rail Integrated Mobility – Not exactly sure what this entails

Integrated Mobility? Is that another way of saying Underpass tunnels below the rail lines? Or an upgrade of a ticketing system? Bringing HOP to Snapper? There must be some more detail somewhere. This could be important, this possibly could even be good! But instead, the media is fixated on potholes and speed humps. What other lists does he have?

A truck. On a road. Probably a RON. But honestly, who cares?

The Roads of National Significance listed in the NLTP are:

  • Alternative to Brynderwyns
  • Whangārei to Port Marsden
  • Warkworth to Wellsford
  • Cambridge to Piarere
  • Tauriko West State Highway 29
  • Mill Road
  • East West Link
  • Hamilton Southern Links
  • Petone to Grenada Link Road and the Cross Valley Link – Wellington (well, Hutt)
  • North West Alternative State Highway (SH16)
  • Takitimu Northern Link Stage 1
  • Takitimu Northern Link Stage 2
  • Hawke’s Bay Expressway
  • Ōtaki to North of Levin – Wellington (well, helping you leave Wellington)
  • Second Mt Victoria Tunnel and Basin Reserve upgrade – Wellington – actually real Wellington!!!
  • Hope Bypass – that says it all really. I’ve lost hope, and my Hope has got a bypass.
  • Belfast to Pegasus Motorway and Woodend Bypass

And then after that, he has yet another list, goodness me, is there no start to this boy’s brilliance?:

Example of terrible infrastructure solution from NZTA report

The Roads of Regional Significance listed in the NLTP are:

  • Penlink
  • State Highway 1/29 Intersection
  • Canterbury Package – Rural Intersections
  • Waihoehoe Road
  • State Highway 58 Improvements Stage 2 – Wellington (sort of – actually Hutt / Porirua)
  • Canterbury Package – Rolleston Upgrade
  • State Highway 1 Papakura to Drury Improvements
  • State Highway 2 Melling Transport Improvements
  • Canterbury Package – Halswell
  • Second Ashburton Bridge
  • Queenstown Package

So that’s the National Party / Coalition Government / Simeon Brown plan for the country, and obviously the package worth $6.4 billion earmarked for Wellington, formerly known as Let’s Get Wellington Moving, is now defunct, and that money has all gone away. The tiny dregs of memory of that are now called “Basin Reserve upgrade” and a “Second Mt Victoria Tunnel”. You can bet that the tunnel as planned will probably now be only for cars and trucks, certainly not for public transport, and maybe not even an upgrade for walking or cycling. And I’m picking probably won’t be starting any time soon. So my one question is, what exactly is this “Upgrade”? Is that just fiddling round the edges? Will they actually fix the Basin? Or put a plug in the Basin?

So, apart from a new tunnel full of cars, and a minimum amount of work on something at the Basin (no details what, as yet), the other key things from this list appears to be Petone to Grenada Link Road and the Cross Valley Link. While it occurs to me that it would be quite good having a rail route that linked these areas up, no doubt that this is aimed solely at cars and trucks. But also, under the last government, NZTA officially gave up on the Petone to Grenada Link Road, because it was too hard and cost too much. Like, literally, they really could not figure out how to do it without actually moving half an entire mountain, and it would have been the most expensive project on the planet on a per metre basis. Interesting to see that it is back on the list – my money is on it never being started, let alone completed. Bets are on!

Post-script note: I’ve just found the official NZ Government graphic for the NZTA works in the lower North Island – this may go some way to explaining why everything is such a shit-show ! Introducing, the most confusing, least informative, terribly designed graphic you may ever see !!!