
1,098 Articles
4 Min Read

There’s a sort of grim inevitability in the news today that GWRC plans to kill off the trolley buses in Wellington. Following on from the tedious decision that the answer to Wellington’s Public Transport spine is bigger, faster buses in their own dedicated lanes, the logical thing to do would be to find out what sort of vehicles they would be, before making the decision to…

8 Min Read

Traffic Improvements. There – I’ll say it again, in case you missed it. “Traffic Improvements.” Just exactly do you take that to mean? I ask because, of course, different people mean different things when they say “Improvements.” It’s interesting to me – because my vision of traffic improvements is evidently not quite the same as the traffic improvements planned by NZTA. Maybe that’s predictable, or maybe…

2 Min Read

As a slight aside from the investigation into Transmission Gully and it’s dubiously planned Link roads, I thought I would go back in time. Back, indeed, to the time of Bill Sutch, back in time to even before the current Wellington Foothills motorway was built. Long time ago, I know. Sutch, a clever man, an economist, was once labelled as a communist by the powers-that-be, and…

7 Min Read

I’ve just returned to Wellington for a brief break from the bleak north. When I’ve been away for a while it’s always fun to wander around and see what’s changed, catch up on the news, and read all the fish posts I’ve missed (nice to see new contributors). I think the best news (possibly the best Wellington has had in decades) was finding out that mouldy…

3 Min Read

I met a bloke in a pub a few weeks ago, who to my amazement said that he came from Horokiwi. I confess, that as I am a stupid young thing, and did not know it to be more than a quarry, I teased him about being born under a rock. He took it good naturedly, and fortunately did not hit me – no one wants…

5 Min Read

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. On the advice of a commenter on the blog recently – thanks Mike! I went out with a couple of the other Fish, to the NZTA “open day” at Tawa / Linden, to see what they were presenting. First up, I’ve gotta say, good on them for fronting up and having the discussions. Better to have discussions now,…

1 Min Read

Is it just me, or is the NZTA info about the Transmission Gully really really hard to find out? Let’s shed some light on the subject. Here’s their map for the path of Transmission Gully. Notice anything missing? Like, maybe, the ground is missing? Just white space, a new highway magnificently floating in the ether? As far as I remember, highways really don’t float much, and…

2 Min Read

I must confess that I don’t really understand what is the plan around the new road up Transmission Gully, but having been reading about the new proposed route up Takapu Valley, it got my interest up. I’d never even heard of it before – seems like I am not alone there – I’ve not yet met anyone else who has been up there. So, last weekend…

5 Min Read

Happy New Year everyone!  I realise it’s mid February so the New Year is far passed in reality, but in mind, it seems like it was only a couple of days ago. Over the past few months I’ve come across some links that related to urban design that I thought people might enjoy and I’ve filed them away with the intent that over the Christmas break…

2 Min Read

Today, the DomPost devoted its entire front page to the issue of the old Town Hall building now being costed at $60m for strengthening, instead of the previous $47m. It appears that we are not taking about inflation of $13m in the 2 months since the decision was made, but that there are more foundations, and they are bigger, and so bigger base isolation is needed….