
1,103 Articles
3 Min Read

So it seems as though the WCC have decided to give permission to go ahead, to the developer of the project at Kumutoto. Seems like only last week they were having a hearing – and so it seems a little early to have made a decision – given the normal glacial rate of progress on decisions in this fine city of ours… Apparently this is a…

3 Min Read

I’ve been thinking about a comment I made, that Lindsay Shelton picked up over on Scoop, where he was talking about what “one of Wellington’s leading bloggers“ had said. Ahem. I had noted that “I think we need to start exploring the concept for a trench at least in parts along Vivian St, as 3 lanes at ground level there is just going to be horrific.”…

1 Min Read

What do Bill Toomath, Nat Cheshire, Pip Cheshire, Home of the Year, and Kiwi “Crocodile / Savage Sheep” Dundee have in common? Well, not a lot – so this post is short. In memory of Bill Toomath, the John Hiles film “Antonello and the Architect is playing TODAY at 4.00pm at the Paramount, all welcome, entry by donation to Mary Potter Hospice. Interesting – Bill is,…

4 Min Read

News reports this morning that “A”, the Russian phosphate and gas tycoon Andrey Melnichenko’s futuristic white “yacht” has sunk, are believed by some to be a smokescreen for a far greater secret. Agents working worldwide for the global Eye of the Fish news network, can safely reveal that the Philippe Starck designed vessel that has been parking mysteriously in the centre of Wellington harbour, is in…

4 Min Read

Oriental Bay is one of those rare Wellington locations with both northerly sunshine and views, and as such is heavily sought after by those with money to burn. Unfortunately, those keen to burn vast amounts of their funds on high cost glitzy real estate seldom also possess much taste. While earlier buildings on this southern riviera concentrated on individual villas with character galore, like the much…

4 Min Read

There’s a sort of grim inevitability in the news today that GWRC plans to kill off the trolley buses in Wellington. Following on from the tedious decision that the answer to Wellington’s Public Transport spine is bigger, faster buses in their own dedicated lanes, the logical thing to do would be to find out what sort of vehicles they would be, before making the decision to…

8 Min Read

Traffic Improvements. There – I’ll say it again, in case you missed it. “Traffic Improvements.” Just exactly do you take that to mean? I ask because, of course, different people mean different things when they say “Improvements.” It’s interesting to me – because my vision of traffic improvements is evidently not quite the same as the traffic improvements planned by NZTA. Maybe that’s predictable, or maybe…

2 Min Read

As a slight aside from the investigation into Transmission Gully and it’s dubiously planned Link roads, I thought I would go back in time. Back, indeed, to the time of Bill Sutch, back in time to even before the current Wellington Foothills motorway was built. Long time ago, I know. Sutch, a clever man, an economist, was once labelled as a communist by the powers-that-be, and…

7 Min Read

I’ve just returned to Wellington for a brief break from the bleak north. When I’ve been away for a while it’s always fun to wander around and see what’s changed, catch up on the news, and read all the fish posts I’ve missed (nice to see new contributors). I think the best news (possibly the best Wellington has had in decades) was finding out that mouldy…

3 Min Read

I met a bloke in a pub a few weeks ago, who to my amazement said that he came from Horokiwi. I confess, that as I am a stupid young thing, and did not know it to be more than a quarry, I teased him about being born under a rock. He took it good naturedly, and fortunately did not hit me – no one wants…