
1,098 Articles
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One of the architects at Studio Pacific Architecture has helpfully sent in some images of the building to be built at 20 Customhouse Quay – many thanks Marc. He notes: “Good to have caught your watchful eye on the 17th June with your post regarding the redevelopment of the BP House site on Customhouse Quay. Appreciate your comments. We thought we would send you some fish…

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Seeing as the WCC and the NZTA seem to want us (the public) to be discussing possible alternatives and pros / cons of the Cycling Masterplan, I thought that I might, as a starter for 10, offer up a little alternative. To me, the info provided by Strava is insightful, especially concerning where cyclists ARE currently actually going. I’m a weekend cyclist at best, taking it…

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The government took a (in my humble opinion) well overdue leap last night, and announced some decent funding for urban cycleways. Wellington, having at last got its act together, was included. More on this later, but for now, here is the official announcement: “In 2014, the Prime Minister announced $100 million additional funding for the Urban Cycleways Programme. This is designed to take full advantage of…

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I’m very excited to see that work is really going ahead on the replacement for BP House in Wellington. As a city, we’ve been a little quiet for the last few years – the Dom’s reporter got it a little wrong when he said no new building had been built for the last ten years – but it’s not far off. There has been a lot…

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The announcement last week of Ian Cassells’ latest infill housing scheme is an interesting development. Cassells has talked about his City Blox idea before, with a demo unit parked at Shelly Bay, and proposed them for Christchurch. But this time they are coming to the St James. Mixed reactions ensued. Cassells is one of the few developers who really does put his money where his mouth…

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If we lived in a perfect country, with perfect weather and perfect people, in a perfect economy governed by a perfect society, then there’s no doubt in my mind that we would also have a chance at some perfect buildings. But we don’t. We do not live in a perfect climate – it rains, it blows, it even snows sometimes. We don’t have a perfect economy…

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I’ve been wanting to write about Thunderbirds for the last few weeks, but last night I had a cosmic experience. An out of this world, out of my body, out of my head experience. Yes indeed, for the first time since heaven knows when, I went to see Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece of film making: 2001 a Space Odyssey. I didn’t have good memories of the film…

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Well, yesterday was an interesting day! Rain by the bucket load, but not enough resilience to handle it. Yes, there was apparently 8 times more rain than normal, and enough water landed on our streets in half an hour to equal a normal rainfall for a month, or something like that, but still – it should hardly have been the end of the world. A fairly…

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The rules for strengthening time-tables may be relaxed, but I’m not sure if I am… I’m not sure if this the result of a carefully planned out Government policy, or if it is just Nick Smith blowing off steam: the two seem closely related. The way that the media report it, the policy seems to have just arrived out of thin air, but actually, I suspect…

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As our glorious leader starts to return home to beloved motherland, please to make good satisfaction with homage to prime interest of glorious leader in all fullness. Red is not favourite colour of glorious leader, but after this, maybe? Even Iggy getting jiggy wid it. Stranger things have happened. Some nice. Some not so nice. And then, there is this.