So…. that was interesting. No real surprise there, that it would end in violence, given the people involved and the poor attitudes towards common sense right from the beginning. And despite the protestors bleating about police brutality, in reality they have not got the slightest justifiable complaint. Never before have I seen a protest so carefully picked apart by police, with amazing restraint, despite widespread incitement to violence. Police aren’t always this nice, treating people with kid gloves and absorbing hours of abuse, without retaliation. The police here are heroes, and amazingly, some of those heroes were on Day One of their police careers, having only just graduated from the Police College on Monday. Its all going to be less interesting from here on, I hope!

Some people have been saying that “who would have expected that?!?!” but I disagree – that is exactly what I expected, only a whole lot less violent than it could have been. Or perhaps, less than it should have been. There’s a fair few people in the protest that were virtually asking for a good old-fashioned police batoning in the head. The fact that they did not get it is amazing. Compared to other riots in NZ, this was a walk in the park. Even if they did set fire to the park along the way, and destroyed the children’s playground, which was not only the coolest but also the most expensive children’s playground in the whole country. People cared more about the tree they set alight than they do for the stupidity of the massed protestors.

And you know what? The rest of NZ doesn’t really give a shit about the stupidity of the protestors and the lack of a realistic agenda. Just shut up and go home. We all want this Covid-Thing to be over, but it won’t be, possibly for years yet. What I do find intriguing and amazing, is that so many formerly clever Kiwis are now signing on with the stupidity parade, watching their favourite toxic brand of social media and allowing their tiny minds to become polluted with filth sent out by the same forces of evil who occupied the space vacated by Donal Rump’s brain. Conspiracy theories are so easy to spot, because they are just so stupid. Have they no idea how hard it is for lizard people to take over the world without their help? Is every politician a paedophile and just how do they abuse all those children in a pizza joint in Georgetown? It takes time and money to carefully insert an EMF generator inside a concrete block in order to affect the thoughts within a protestor’s cranium. Wherever those concrete blocks came from they must have skilled operatives and carefully designed battery packs to install inside the concrete blocks. Such skill! Also – such imprecise use of the word Bollard, which means “A short post used to prevent traffic from entering an area” or even “A short, thick post on the deck of a ship or a quayside, to which a ship’s rope may be secured” but here seemed to be attached to a two-tonne block of badly poured concrete, sitting on a timber pallet (and yes, like you, I was appalled by the lack of precision detailing on that precast job!).
Fuckwits, the lot of them.
Onwards! Let’s claim our city back, mask up, and get through this pandemic and out the other side.

Reports of my demise are being greatly exaggerated- I got a good tanning in places, but I’m still here
-signed the parliamentary slide…
Very glad to hear that the Slide lives on. For a moment there Greenwelly, I thought that you were saying you were nearly deceased in the rioting. Then I reread.
It’s the sheer lunacy of the protestors that pisses me off most. One of them, a former friend, is loudly crowing how that yesterday was a “sad day for NZ democracy” as it will be remembered as “the day the voice of freedom died”. Absolute hogwash. Freedom is being extinguished on the streets of Ukraine, by a true fascist dictator, that’s real freedom-extinguishing over there.
But throwing rocks at police after being tolerated for 23 days – and then being carefully manoeuvred with an absolute minimal amount of force – only being arrested when people were really violently aggressive – you were bloody lucky mate. You were asking for a thorough smashing in of your head, and yet you did not get it. I am amazed that the NZ Police were so polite and careful. I hope they will be a lot less polite next time – you have only ruined it for yourself – and all of us. Go hang your head in shame. And, Go Home.
It was some of the most restrained and methodical riot policing that I have seen – even for NZ..
Young reporters are out running the “worst rioting in NZ History” line,- but even taking out the Springbok tours, mob violence is not unknown, (very rare), but certainly not unknown in NZ….
The Queen street riot springs to mind as an event that certainly created much more damage than this rabble..
Like all structured warfare (apparently) the Springbok Tour actions live on in my memory largely as exercises in tedium as we went hither and thither around Eden Park at the command of people who knew what they were trying to do – and the value of not telling the rank and file too much. The exception was the jolt of terror when glimpses were caught of the Red Squad, Meurant’s Marauders. Then we went home.
The Queen St riot was much more like yesterday’s erupotion. A hungry, angry swarm of would-be killer bees with no idea of what they wanted further than the dopamine fix of screaming, seizing and smashing.
Much as I would like erupotion to be a word, I’m pretty sure it ain’t.
It is now starkive ! Erupotion – a witches cauldron of exotic theories mixed with a boiling box of conspiracy additives, simmered for several hours and then steadily cooled off under pressure.
It’s a potion alright
Never argue with stupid, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
Good to see the old folks home known as Kate Sheppard apartment had at least one balcony full of people cheering the cops on – they have been put out the most
My other half calls these people “the stupids” but I have gone a bit more traditional –
Cannon fodder
From Stuff report tonight:
After leaving the line, Wakahuia Porter, from Ōtaki, said he was “just holding the line, peacefully, for humanity”. …
“Once you know the truth, you can’t un-know the truth,” he said.
“It feels like we’re brothers and sisters, standing up for humanity.”
Or alternatively, once your head is filled with Conspiracy theories, you can’t empty your head from Conspiracy theories…
Wow – I wonder if that was Wakahuia screaming homophobic and anti-semitic insults at us on the first weekend of the occupation – as we walked down Lambton Quay? (For the grave sin of wearing masks)
‘Brothers and sisters’ – bollocks.