What a great way to start off 2025, with the sale of Reading cinema to Prime Property. That’s the best news Wellington could have, outside of Wellington Water saying “We’ve fixed all the pipes”, or WCC saying “Rates bill going down 50% this year”. Prime Property has just secured itself the bargain of the decade, no matter the cost, as the land parcels make up a…
3 Articles
5 Min Read
Welcome back. The Fish is still alive. Fresh from a festive season, but driven from the water by inclement weather, there is only one thing for it: back to the blog. Two things in particular, involving buildings: one in Australia, one in Wellington. Does anything strike you as odd about these two? But first, a post-Christmas quiz. What is this? (in photo below). Answers welcomed below…
1 Min Read
At some stage, reality is going to have to sink in, to whoever runs these signs around the city: Reading Car Park is Gone Baby GONE, the love has gone away. Unloved, unmourned, uncaring passing, the car park that no one wanted, built by profit chasers for a tower that never came, the building that split its thigh bones, allegedly. I saw no cracks. watched no…
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