
4 Articles
2 Min Read

I’d love to have a real life conversation with Luxo right now – to see if he is regretting his decision to get into bed with his fellow Cerberus heads. New Zealand is now absolutely a shit-show, and if we really wanted a Government to destroy everything, then this is the right one. Funny though, I don’t recall the Dalek phrase being employed at all during…

4 Min Read

It’s been a curious start to a new Government and a curious end to an old year. 2023 – don’t want to see that one again. I know, its only mid-December and we haven’t even got to Christmas, let alone New Year’s Eve, but honestly, what a clusterfuck this election has turned out to be. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, is turning out just as dysfunctional as…

5 Min Read

At last we have a Government, and some clearly defined roles. To me / to the Construction industry, the big story is not the purile banter of who will be Deputy Dawg and whether it is a co-share or a one-after-the-other share of the role, it is who will take the roles that define us as an industry. To start off then, and just to note…

4 Min Read

Fascinating to see the hubbub over the announcements today from Labour of a revised policy over housing sales. From the Nats there is a wild panicked squealing as their fat little piggies suddenly realise that perhaps they should not have all their spare money in property. Accusations of a new Capital Gains Tax from Ardern, despite there already being a “Bright Line” test in existence, which…