
5 Articles
4 Min Read

Say what you like about Bishop (and I do), but he is fast. Very fast in fact, and not really caring about the ethics or the details, he has announced a massive Fast Track List of proposed projects from around the country, but especially aimed at around Auckland of course. Masses and masses of housing projects, and roads, up there, but of course we are interested…

2 Min Read

I’d love to have a real life conversation with Luxo right now – to see if he is regretting his decision to get into bed with his fellow Cerberus heads. New Zealand is now absolutely a shit-show, and if we really wanted a Government to destroy everything, then this is the right one. Funny though, I don’t recall the Dalek phrase being employed at all during…

4 Min Read

It’s been a curious start to a new Government and a curious end to an old year. 2023 – don’t want to see that one again. I know, its only mid-December and we haven’t even got to Christmas, let alone New Year’s Eve, but honestly, what a clusterfuck this election has turned out to be. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, is turning out just as dysfunctional as…

5 Min Read

At last we have a Government, and some clearly defined roles. To me / to the Construction industry, the big story is not the purile banter of who will be Deputy Dawg and whether it is a co-share or a one-after-the-other share of the role, it is who will take the roles that define us as an industry. To start off then, and just to note…

4 Min Read

Fascinating to see the hubbub over the announcements today from Labour of a revised policy over housing sales. From the Nats there is a wild panicked squealing as their fat little piggies suddenly realise that perhaps they should not have all their spare money in property. Accusations of a new Capital Gains Tax from Ardern, despite there already being a “Bright Line” test in existence, which…