Everybody likes an award. Oscars, Turners, Pritzkers, Bookers, Emmys, Tonys, Baftas, Goftas, Tuis and Taites. The Guardian has just reported on one many of you were probably unaware of, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Library of the Year Award. The prize is not given for most books issued, most efficient overdues collection or best shushing technique, but is in fact an architecture award, hailing the best new public library building in the world.

This year’s winner is the rather gobsmacking new Beijing Library by Snøhetta and ECADI. 

The citation calls it:

An impressive, spectacular, building, that presents a contemporary hub for learning, knowledge-sharing, social interaction, and community engagement. The interior follows this concept, integrating areas for conferences, exhibitions, performances, and the restoration of ancient books.

Jury Chair Jakob Guillois Lærkes explains the jury’s decision:

This years field of nominated libraries is particularly strong. From large and impressive prestige buildings to innovative and sustainable solutions as well as how to transform an existing library building to a completely new outcome. Beijing Library stands out as a vibrant and inviting book heaven with so many things to offer, as well as impressive sustainable solutions within the building. The jury were particularly impressed by how people, books and nature are connected throughout the design and programming of the building. It really stands out as a great example of a library for the future.


What jumped out at me, though was the cost (and scale) quoted ruefully by the Guardian’s Australian writer, who was plainly backing another contender, the very elegant Yellamundie library in suburban Sydney. 

The implication was that the little Aussie battler never stood a chance in the face of such unbridled spending power. And what was the cost of 75,000 square metres of brand-new, solar roofed, bibliophile heaven? According to the report it was “almost A$300 million”. So, around NZ$320 million.

Remind me again, what is the currently acknowledged cost for the repair and rebuild of the 14,000 square metre Wellington Public Library Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui?