5 Min Read

At last we have a Government, and some clearly defined roles. To me / to the Construction industry, the big story is not the purile banter of who will be Deputy Dawg and whether it is a co-share or a one-after-the-other share of the role, it is who will take the roles that define us as an industry. To start off then, and just to note…

1 Min Read

Far be it from me to say that negotiations are dragging on, but things are slow ! Post-script: Winston, the consumate politician, has been leading all the shots so far – he has renegotiated the negotiating room to Auckland, to a hotel that no doubt the Taxpayer will be ultimately paying the bill, made sure that Luxon and Seymour are coming to him on bended knee…

4 Min Read

Farewell to the Toomath’s Buildings then. Designed by architect William Crichton, completed by 1901. Survived years of neglect – did not survive a group of vagrant youths setting fire to it. Well and truly gone now, a digger has smashed it into pieces, without a hope of the building ever coming back. Could it have been saved? Well, yes, probably, but not once a fire had…