Unfortunately, yesterday’s lecture by Charles Renfro sold out relatively fast, so for those who were unable to make it, here is a link to a presentation given by him in support of a recent competition entry. Renfro was much more engaging and entertaining last night, but his presentation to the University of Melbourne covers most of what came up in yesterdays lecture, as well as a few extra projects.
I didn’t get to see Renfro either, but if you’re interested in seeing / hearing some more interesting speakers, then Pecha Kucha on Monday evening should be a real cracker:
as noted here on Wellingtonista : http://www.wellingtonista.com/pecha-kucha-7
including the following speakers and more…. full details at Wellingtonista
Roger Walker // architect / car enthusiast // dancing with the cars
Chris Moller // architect // click-weave space-time sketching //
Tommy Honey // director film school // street crime
Tom Beard // urban designer // about a sentence by Baudelaire
Eric Dorfman // director // the affair of the diamond necklace, an interactive theatre event