This is what the Council were discussing last week

Makes for some interesting reading !

Te Ngākau Update Council Briefing – September 2024

A key conceptual diagram – the Heart of Our City is the meeting place between the land and sea

Climate Change Adaptation and ResilienceKey Approaches:

1. Elevate critical building infrastructure above current and future floodplains

2. Retention and detention solutions that are floodable to provide storage
capacity enabling controlled release into green infrastructure system.

3. Decrease runoff and flooding through nature-based solutions for infiltration and purification, such as riparian planting and buffers, bioswales and rain gardens. Rain gardens and permable green space utilised to minimise outflow to city infrastructure and maximise onsite capture and reuse.

4. Rainwater harvesting for buildings to maximise resilence

5. Rain gardens and similar solutions for public realm and streetscape

6. Introduction of habitat hollows that utilise salt resistant planting and enhance aquatic habitats.

7. Existing buildings will be retrofitted to address the design and technical challenges of adapting to the evolving risks of flooding, stormwater and heat.

8. Floodable waterfront park zones with multiple levels are designed to accommodate future sea levels.

9. Incorporation of salt-resistant native plants embedded within the landscape and infrastructure design to further reduce the impact of sea level rise on the landscape.

10. Flood controls incorporated into basement ramps to reduce the probablitity
of flooding in storm surge events.

11. Utilisation of the existing basement under the MFC entrance for possible water capture to provide storage capacity enabling controlled release into green infrastructure system.

12. Green space integrated into building design to enhance the health + wellbeing of the community.

So, those items listed above are the basic Nature-First approach, none of which could really be disputed, could they? All sounds very sensible. But as we work our way through the document, it is clear that there are more interesting, more controversial things in the report.

5.1 is annoyingly left blank, but 5.2 is a massive possible change – really??!?
5.3 has been discussed a hundred times before – here we go again
5.4 is City Gallery – new steps? new Gallery addition? new BIG Gallery?
5.5 City to Sea Bridge with 4 options